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The Pill

The Pill (2011)

December. 16,2011
| Drama Comedy Romance

Worried that he has gotten the free-spirited Mindy pregnant after an unprotected one-night stand, Fred feigns romantic interest and sticks by her side for twelve hours to make sure she takes both doses of the morning-after pill.


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...I think people are doing just too much when it comes to criticizing this movie.So what if the characters aren't likable? Well I wouldn't say "so what" because character development is important, but I think Fred and Mindy are meant to be "normal," with a quirky, indie twist. And "normally"...people do have one night stands and wind up pregnant, unfortunately. This film is a comedic perspective of real life. And it's kind of a chic, urban adventure. I just love the roaming around New York City this film has, reminds me of...me. And I like seeing it on screen, what the hell. I also like that it's set in a summery time, so it's bright and fun and ironic to how dark this probably could be. I mean I'd punch Fred in real life. He follows Mindy around pretending to like her just to make sure she takes both doses of a morning after pill. And why? Because he's married or in a long-term relationship. It shows two different types of New York lives: Fred is from the intellectual, upper classed part, with a self-centred, jet-setting girlfriend in a big fancy condo or studio apartment it looked like, and Mindy is on a working class budget with a black boyfriend in a small apartment in Brooklyn. Now I have no idea why Mindy wanted to have Fred's child but based on my description it seems she wants his status through his child? I don't know. I think the director just wanted to portray girls who wind up pregnant after one night stands as bonkers and manipulative who try to pass it off as feminism. Maybe it's his version of modern city girls, as the New York backdrop was utilized a lot and very well so perhaps this setting was done intentionally, or convenient considering it's where the director lived... But it was done in a funny way, and it's a comedy! So it worked. Anyway I hated Fred, LOVED the guy playing him. I'm not sure if it was improvising the script or what. But he was funny. Sometimes the script seemed like they were improvising with some direction on where the conversation should go, like very realistic dialogue (stuttering, petty back and forths, laughs, vulgar social commentary), so on that level to film snobs it could've looked amateur acting-wise but pretty good direction wise. But I enjoyed it because it was realistic.The elements were great as I mentioned, the background scenery of New York City, being on the subway-train (a big must in big-city indie films for me), strutting and skipping through big crowds, going to small cafes, convenience stores and pharmacies, apartments with cute and artsy interior decoration (they used the director's apartment for Mindy's apartment), it was all so nice. Their stylish- casual wardrobe. The soundtrack was enjoyable, like atmospheric, bubbly indie music. All these things subtly but hugely make the film, for me. So it's an enjoyable watch. Albeit with flaws. I loved the last scene, I would've done the same thing as Mindy when she saw Fred if not worse.Long story short: the only flaws, for me, was developing Mindy's character. I simply don't understand why she loved Fred so fast and intentionally had his kid but hey girls like this do exist. I also don't like Fred but I think focusing on him as a character too much is unnecessary to critiquing the film as a whole. The things I liked: the setting, Fred's script and the actor playing him, the theme (it's interesting). The pace was good. It's not a boring film at all. If you're into films just to fall in love with the characters/actors and ignore how well a film was put together or not, then this isn't for you. If you can understand the reality of character flaws but appreciate important film elements like plot, script, setting, angles, music, originality yet reality, then this is for you! :D


I guess, I could just write what I hate about the movie: the main characters are unbelievable in all the bad ways. The guy is a spineless worm of a person, who we are supposed to think has grown somehow during the movie and the girl is a crazy person with no social awareness at all and on top of that, has not the slightest knowledge about her own body. She is just a crazy stupid person. Of course, to somehow try to justify the guy's selfish manipulative, but spineless behaviour, the third person, his girlfriend, has to be a cold control freaky b****. What do we learn from this movie: if a person is neat and loves having a tidy place, he must be a cold hearted control freak and that person is bad. But if someone is behaving like a stupid pre- teen child and behaving against all common sense, that person must be a nice fun person. And if a guy is spineless and weak, that poor thing is just being manipulated by the bad witches, that are woman. He's just a confused little puppy, that needs a hug. I would like to see a movie, where these characters are tortured to death slowly and painful, just as the viewers of this movie are tortured by these unbelievably horrible characters and script.


Im really surprised the IMDb rating for this movie is so low! Im so sure this movie would have been a big commercial success if the casts were all changed into some Hollywood big stars. I would say this movie is tied with "No Strings Attached" but has definitely beat "Friends with Benefits".The storyline is pretty simple but I do like how the writer/director is capable of catching those small things and moments of a relationship and delivering them smoothly. But sadly the dynamic between both leading characters is not strong enough. For this part, in comparison, Aston Kutcher and Natale Portman in "No Strings" have way better gravity.Both actresses, Rachel Boston and Anna Chlumsky, are hot enough and I must mention that the performance of Rachel Boston in this film is way better than how she does in Witches of East End. She deserves more than just acting in those lousy teenage drama shows.


DAMN YOU NETFLIX!!! This was recommended to me by Netflix, and after ignoring it for a few months I finally decided to give it a try. Bad idea. The characters in this movie are not likable and the story is unbelievable.During a one-night stand Fred is kind of manipulated by Mindy into going without a condom, and then literally held in place, which leads to the necessity of the morning after pill. Mindy, in the beginning, is completely neurotic, appears to be a pathological liar, and proceeds to fight Fred every step of the way. They end up spending a very strange day together in which nothing happens to make the viewer think Mindy is anything other than crazy. Fred starts out as a guy who is being manipulated, changes into a guy who can't seem to be honest and forthright, and eventually settles into a cheater (still a doormat and way too concerned that no one think he's a bad guy).All in all the writing and progression were awful, it is inconceivable that these people end up together, and this is in no way romantic or comedic. The directing wasn't too bad.
