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Mother (2016)

May. 01,2016
| Horror Thriller

A pregnant woman, who is taking care of her son with development problems, is at her breaking point when a caregiver from the Philippines steps into her life. Diana suspects that she’s using voodoo against her after the quick improvements of her son.


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Evangelos Aktoudianakis

Let me start by saying this movie is insulting to any a parent who has an autistic child, and to the autistic community as a whole:Autistic children don't try to murder their parents. Parents don't chain autistic children in bed, or wear them rugby helmets. Maybe 300 years ago, but I am pretty certain that's not the suggested treatment nowadays.Going further (SPOILERS ALERT):How was the old lady (who could not act for her life) able to calm down the child? Noone knows.How was it they were able to dissect dogs and cats inside the house for 2 months without anyone smelling or noticing anything? No one knowsWhy did the mother's friend stay for dinner after the mother stormed out of her own house? Noone knows.Why was she killed since she obviously did not suspect anything? Noone knows.Why did they want the child? Noone knows.Did they plan all along to take the child? How? They never met till that day in the supermarket. Noone knows.Why did they let her live, when she was an obvious witness? Noone knows.What was that whole : the husband sleeps with other women, which was then never explored? Noone knows.Easily The Last Jedi of horror movies, minus the unecessary SJW/Manhating element. A piece in pieces, with people in it acting mediocrely that starts nowhere, goes nowhere in a journey that makes absolutely no sense. P.S. -> And of course, the old lady is poisoning the mother because that's never been done before either.


A mother is tired of taking care of her out of control autistic son. Her and her husband hire a nanny and first all goes well but then Diana starts noticing that her nanny seems to turn her son against her as well as poisoning her.A lot of times one just gets frustrated with the mother as she doesn't do things that could help her prove her point. Like keep the app and show the translations to the friend who recommended it, she would believe it. Film some of the conversations and show to somebody. Take that tea she gives you and bring to the doctor to be tested for hallucinogens. But then one sees a way around it, she is a stressed pregnant woman who can't think of good ways out clearly.I saw unfair reviews to it. Mainly from American far lefts calling it ableist and xenophobic. Well, autism is not always high functional and many parents do indeed struggle a lot, why hide them? And foreign language was important for this movie. The main issue is indeed that the ending doesn't explain everything. But for me it was enough. We just see that her worries were justified. Why it happened isn't really necessary to know.The acting was great. Daniela Ramírez gave us a top performance as the main character. We see her love for her son and yet worry that the second kid will be the same. Her feeling like she has no way to solve the issue with her husband not taking her seriously and not being able to control her kid. Aida who played Luz was also good. There isn't that much in the character but she did it perfect for us not to guess if she is good or evil. And this is her only role.


Like the other reviewers are saying the ending is lacking, but over all it's definitely not what I would call a boring movie. If you've seen it all like me you seek out movies that are a bit different. This movie at least delivered in that aspect of not being the same repetitive thing that you see day in and day out. So while the ending is abrupt and not the best, it still won't be a waste of time to watch.


I was trying to find answers for the ending of this movie. The ending was shocking, left me stunned and asking what just happened and why. Then realized, evil has no explanation and often leaves us wondering why and how could this happen. Daniela Ramirez was excellent. she had me feeling every emotion she was expressing.
