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Dead Daughters

Dead Daughters (2007)

February. 01,2007
| Drama Horror

In present-day Moscow ghosts of three little girls killed by their insane mother randomly pick a person to watch over for a three days. If during this "probation period" person's moral standards appear not to be high enough The Daughters then kill him using telekinesis.


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Here we have an extremely poor (and quite literally, horrible!) example on how people think that they can do movies just watching whole bunch of Japanese movie trailers (not even the complete movies I suspect!) and reading the outline paragraphs.It would have been OK if Mr.Ruminov had not proclaimed himself as an ingenious artist in Russian and international press... I mean, first movie gone bad - no problem, moving on! :) OK, to the point - movie is just very bad, and that's why it is worth watching. However if you do, have a paper bag handy. Mr. Ruminov and Co. are telling us this is "the story of people" - I say it's BS, as the characters are all very unsympathetic and poorly drawn. All female roles are just a failure - same absent expressions and just plain dumb dialogs.The DJ is ripped-off from another Japanese movie, "the booth"... oh, the list of failures is endless. Camera "work" is pointless replication of Japanese styles.Just watch this masterpiece of fluff, and then see "Three Extremes" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0420251/) to justify art from you know what, and story of people from faceless characters you won't even recognize in the next scene. Sorry Mr. Ruminov, it ain't gonna fly - just quit wasting sponsors money, you don't have what it takes... "A Russian cinematic Genius" :)


This ain't you typical horror flick, although director Pavel Ruminov makes you think the opposite for the first ten minutes or so. It soon gets obvious that this film is much more sophisticated and thought-provoking than The Ring and other Japanese horror remakes/originals. The whole "ghosts of drowned girls seeking revenge on humankind" premise serves as a backdrop to an eclectic thriller that's rich in social satire, extremely dense in visual detail and is way closer to an existential drama than any other "horror" movie out there. Basically it appeared to be sort of a shock therapy for the Russian audiences. Most of the moviegoers expected to see another quality adaptation of an old Japanese concept, but instead were bombarded with a chain of disturbing and highly involving events that made the viewing experience very personal, intimate, and, it appears, in many cases quite unpleasant. As for me, I had no problems with this film whatsoever, probably because I was already familiar with Ruminov's style of movie-making and actually expected much more than a typical ghost movie.


First and the most important thing to know about this movie - it's served as a typical horror. And it's NOT.It's not a ghost story or a teen-slasher-roller-coaster, it is a story of people. Some unfortunates who found their place in society, but haven't found personal harmony with life that's been given to them. Not very pleasant, but truthful slice of modern society. That people don't have any point in their life, they don't know any better than "do what society expects of them", they're cowards and hypocrites, they don't deserve to live and they prove that as film goes. THAT is the story, and it has some ghost motives in the background.Expect to see people's drama - and you'll get it. Expect to take a ride on a teen-slasher - and you'll miss.


full of visual poetry and stunning moments. Cinema itself, made by real artist. Eye-opening, fearless work. There's no such words to explain. 2 days gone, but i'm still inside the movie... can't analyze. DOP - master, hand-held cam makes every shot breath with tension. Actors - best hitch traditions (no theater-melodrama acting, very unusual for Russian style of play). Art department - the world of movie lives in each frame. Sound - just the best. Genre and voice mixed into the great work revolutionary and magically.There was no such break-through in last-times Russian cinema. Ruminov& all his team - !!!! they finally done it. cinema wins.
