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White Irish Drinkers

White Irish Drinkers (2011)

March. 25,2011
| Drama Thriller

A coming of age story set in 1975 working-class Brooklyn, in which two teenage brothers living with their abusive father and their well-meaning but ineffective mother are caught up in a life of petty crime. Older brother Danny concocts a daring scheme to steal enough money for the two to escape, timed around the chaos of an upcoming Rolling Stones concert. The sensitive younger brother, Brian, ultimately has a choice: remain loyal to the brother with whom he shares a powerful love-hate bond, or use his hidden talent as an artist as his own ticket out of their dead-end existence.


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As one who was raised in Brooklyn in the late 40s and early 50s, this movie really hit home. There were so many parallels to my own life that it was almost too painful to watch, but thank God I did, or I would have missed one of the finest films I've seen in years. I'd never heard of this movie, but with a cast that included Stephen Lang (Avatar), Karen Allen (Raiders of the Lost Ark) and Peter Reiger (Crossing Delancy) I knew I was in for a treat. Suffice it to say that a better coming-of-age film would be hard to find. The struggle of a young man to come to grips with his unique artistic talent amid the conflict of a dysfunctional family is well drawn and brilliantly executed. The acting performances are nothing short of brilliant, from that of Nick Thurston as young Brian, to that of his alcoholic, frigid father, portrayed flawlessly by Mr. Lang. If you miss this film, you have only yourself to blame. Congratulations to writer/director John Gray for this wonderful gem! Read my own coming-of-age novel, Escaping Innocence to find out more about what made this experience so personal.


Amazing and inspiring film! After watching this I felt as though I wanted to tell my own story. John Gray does a great job of piecing together the parts of this film and relaying a truly compelling story.The acting is what makes this movie. The fresh young faces are truly talented from the core and it is clear that their talents have been honed by training. Yet they are so real and genuine and you can't help but feel connected to them.There are twists & turns to keep you interested and the ending is awesome. I applaud John Gray for sticking it to the man. Go & enjoy!!


I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and everything that it brought to the table. I felt the story was extremely well written and the film was brilliantly casted. Newcomer Nick Thurston delivered a brilliant performance and really put himself on the map I feel. I also really enjoyed watching Karen Allen's performance for I thought she did an amazing job at bring the character to life and really showing her struggle. The film also had an amazing soundtrack that really added extreme emotion to all the scenes. I truly could feel the emotional tension in each scene. Aside from it being emotionally gripping, it also had a light hearted feel to it as well. The exchanges between Nick Thurston and his love interest really have a romantic touch to them and gives the film its romantic appeal.I really feel people will love this movie for it really is able to connect with people and reach them on a personal level. I high recommend seeing it. Well worth it.

Amanda Murphy

I caught White Irish Drinkers at a film festival and I have to say I was really impressed with it. I have family in Brooklyn, and every street corner and bar reminded me of the times I've had there. Not to mention, the incredible acting of the greats like Karen Allen and Stephen Lang, but also the newcomers Nick Thurston and Geoff Wigdor. Needless to say, I IMDb'd all of the actors after I saw it because of how awesome they were.Nick Thurston's acting really makes you feel for this kid. You almost relate to him even if you have never been through this life of abuse and petty crimes. And his innocent blue eyes make it impossible to look away!I would invite anyone to see this movie again. I don't think it matters who you are; you'll love White Irish Drinkers, with its deeply emotional scenes of family and abuse and it's hilarity in streaking through cemeteries. White Irish Drinkers rocks!
