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Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk (1974)

February. 13,1976
| Adventure Fantasy Animation

An adventurous young boy named Jack climbs a giant beanstalk to a magical kingdom governed by a greedy, tyrannical giant.


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A young boy named Jack climbs a giant beanstalk and stumbles upon a city in the clouds ruled by an evil queen.I have never really enjoyed anime. Some is alright, but even the hugely successful and popular films just do not really resonate with me. This one is different. The animation is certainly interesting, with only the princes really looking like what I expect from Japanese artists. So that helps, that multiple styles were used.But this is also just so clever. Taking a classic tale, adding in music and lyrics, and a bit of a mystical twist. This is less about stealing fro ma giant than about saving a kingdom. Can "a simple farm boy" handle the task?


I grew up with this film, watching it every time I visited my Nan & Grandad, who had it on video. My sisters, cousins and I remember it with great fondness, although our parents thought it was 'creepy and weird'. It holds some original characters as well as the traditional Jack, the giant, the magic harp etc. The plot starts off as we all know it, with jack buying some magic beans of a stranger, planting them and the beanstalk growing over night. Jack climbs it to discover a land where a beautiful princess, her castle and all those who live there are kept under a spell by the giant and his evil mother (?). The mice are fun and loveable characters, probably my favourites. There is a feast of enjoyable songs, one of which ('No one's Happier Than I') I often find myself humming, even to this very day. Unfortunately my Nan sold the video at a car boot sale ten years ago and I haven't found a copy since. It's a very rare find if you do. Your kids will treasure it.


It's probably been about 5 years since I've seen any part of this movie, but as a kid I watched it so much it must be branded into my memory. Simple yet atmospheric animation (the Japanese are really good at making something dark and forboding, aren't they?) this movie defined my tastes for cinema as a child. After watching this at about 4 years old I had basically went for darker and more deeply symbolic movies (Yes, it's true, TV does warp kids minds, but give them something like this and they'll be better for it!) I can't say I haven't changed much and I wish I hadn't lost the copy I had of this movie, but if you can find it, more power to you! *****


I copied my VHS over to CD to make sure it lasts. I won my VHS copy from eBay and I almost cried the day it arrived.The movie is one of the better fairy tale retellings I've ever seen. It's right up there in the ranks of the best of Disney. The gorgeous imagery. The music that sticks in your head for days (I still catch myself humming the little tune the mice sing going through their tunnels). The witch belong right up at the top of the list of Baddies That Give Kids Nightmares. Excellent movie. Excellent music. Excellent animation.A true classic.
