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Running Out of Time 2

Running Out of Time 2 (2001)

December. 27,2001
| Action Thriller Crime

Ho Sheung Sang finds himself wrapped up in another cat-and-mouse game, this time against a tricky magician.


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well i have seen this movie many times repetitively and honestly i find it very good, though of course not as good as the first part because of the plots etc. This Running out of time 2 really tackles the mentality. Don't compare this show at all with PART 1 before watching this movie at all.. it'll just spoil the show throughout as u'll tend to make comparisons. I like Ekin very much in this movie; he portrayed the very intelligent mysterious character very well indeed. And as to what i notice, the last scene regarding Ekin walking on the wire connecting the buildings.. and also a few more scenes or rather a bit of the plot, involves ideas from Conan, a Japanese detective comic. Overall, well done; worth watching. Moreover, Lau ching wan's boss in that movie makes it even funnier! I wonder how did he manage to get promoted to assistant com!


RUNNING OUT OF TIME 2 is essentially a remake of the original, only this time Ekin Cheng steps into the role left by Andy Lau (whose character, supposedly, died at the end of the first). As Lau did, Cheng manuevers the same clever cop into his game. Also getting involved is Kelly Lin as a straight laced businesswoman whose important merger is threatened by the thief's games.Not as good as the original, as expected, but still clever. Although the whole cleverness does seem awfully familiar this time around.6 out of 10(go to www.nixflix.com for a more detailed review of this movie or full-length reviews of other foreign films)

Andrew Nixon

Quite a bit different from the style of the original. Not quite as good, but highly watchable. I found the highjinks of the bad guy who's a magician very entertaining. I couldn't help but laugh at the continuing coin flip bit that runs through the movie. One of the most unique chase scenes I've seen in a long time...They start off chasing a bald eagle that leads them to the bad guy...then the chase is on. They run full speed on foot from day into night...then a wild bicycle chase and crash...until finally they give up to continue another day out of sheer exhaustion. Though it's not quite good, it did keep my interest throughout.**1/2 (Out of 4)


Since Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon came along, there's been a lot of talk about a revival of the Hong Kong movie industry. Don't believe it. The people now making movies in HK give new meaning to the word crass. Running Out of Time 2 is a perfect example. Ekin Cheng is the name draw, here, but he spends most of the film just grinning idiotically and flipping a coin. He flips the coin over and over and again and again. Why? Who knows? Sean Lau plays a cop who chases after the coin-flipping pretty boy. But once again: who knows why? There's a pretty actress in the female lead who runs some sort of company and she has to pay a ransom or something but she mostly just looks like she would rather be at a spa or shopping centre than in front of a camera. Nothing makes any sense. There is no action. There is no sex. There is no comedy. All there is is a name: Ekin Cheng. And you know what? Who cares?
