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The Last Gangster

The Last Gangster (1937)

November. 12,1937
| Drama Thriller Crime

A crime boss goes searching for his ex-wife and son after a ten-year prison stint. His old gang has other plans though, and use the child to try and make him disclose the location of the loot he hid before going to the slammer.


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. . . "THE LAST GANGSTER," or are we missing the bigger picture from 1937, when Mr. Krozac's tragic story first hit the screens? You see, Mr. Krozac (played by Edward G. Robinson) was saddled with his Jean Valjean-like martyrdom by a Real Life extortion ring headquartered in Rome, Italy. This well-heeled Mob was infamous for hindering all Scientific Progress for one millennium after another, fearing that such Rational Ideas would put the Kibosh on its extremely profitable Protection Racket. For instance, Charles Darwin's Law about the Survival of the Fittest insures that a guy such as Joe Krozac would make short work of a milquetoast such as "Paul North" (James Stewart). Yet, the rodent-like Actual thugs took a break from their busy job of transporting Jews to Hitler to stipulate that the Apex Predator Joe succumb to the sniveling weasels such as Paul by the close of THE LAST GANGSTER. Meanwhile, craven joker Paul obviously is stuffing the stolen Joe, Jr., full of Ho-Ho's and Ding Dongs as he gets away with his child abuse and brainwashing scheme. So who's really "THE LAST GANGSTER" here?


Criminal kingpin Joe Krozac (Edward G. Robinson) returns from Europe with a new bride. Before long she's pregnant. But no sooner does she find out than Joe is arrested for income tax evasion. Before their son is born, Joe goes to prison. While he's in stir, his wife falls in love with a reporter (Jimmy Stewart) and divorces Joe. When Joe gets out, he plans to get his son back. But his old gang have plans of their own for Joe.Robinson is the main attraction and shines in a role he could do in his sleep. But he's got able support from the likes of Lionel Stander, John Carradine, Edward Brophy, and Sidney Blackmer. Jimmy Stewart is fine but nothing special in an early role. This is a gangster flick with MGM polish. It was great entertainment any time Eddie G. was in a movie like this. Give it a shot and I'm sure you'll love it.


Last Gangster, The (1937) *** (out of 4)Strange but highly entertaining gangster film from MGM has Edward G. Robinson marrying a woman who doesn't know about his deadly pass. Robinson eventually has a son with her but before he meets the child he gets sent to prison for ten years. The mother then finds out about his past and decides to kidnap the kid so that he doesn't turn out like his father. She eventually marries another guy (James Stewart) but soon Robinson is out of jail and looking for revenge. This is certainly a lot tamer than the Warner gang pictures of the time but that's a good thing because there's a lot of heart and emotion in place of the violence. Robinson is very good and incredibly touching in the end and Stewart shines in his role. John Carradine has a very good part as a man picking on Robinson inside prison. The ending is predictable but the film still works very well.


This 1937 film gave me a big surprise with the great acting of Edward G. Robinson, (Joe Krozac) who plays the role as a big time gangster who is a hard cold killer and will not let anyone get in his way in order to get just what he wants. However, Joe Krozac gets himself in trouble just like Al Capone with falling behind in his income tax and is sent to Alcatraz prison for ten years on the "Rock". Joe Krozac is married to a woman named Talya Krozac, (Rose Stradner) who is a foreign lady who does not understand English very well, but she loves Joe and gives him a baby boy just as Joe goes into Alcatraz. A man named Paul North, Sr., (James Stewart) who is a newspaper reporter who becomes involved with Talya while Joe Krozac is in prison and they both get married and raise Joe Krozac's young son. This story has many twists and turns and it has many surprises which you will never be able to figure out unless you view this film. Enjoy.
