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The Whole Wide World

The Whole Wide World (1996)

September. 08,1996
| Drama Romance

In 1930s Texas, pulp fiction master Robert E. Howard is introduced to Novalyne Price, a teacher with aspirations of becoming an author herself, and they begin a unique relationship filled with conversation and imagination. Although the possibility exists for romance, Howard's obsession with his work and dedication to his sick mother leads Price to look elsewhere for love, leaving Howard feeling betrayed and alone.


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The whole wide world is a love story about the real-life pulp fiction writer Robert E. Howard and his admirer Novalyne Price. Following Howard's suicide there were a lot of rumors going around about him that indicated he was loony and crazy. Novalyne Price wrote a single book in her life centered on setting the record straight about Robert and describing him from her eyes. The two leads in this movie were great. Renée Zellweger played Novalyne Price, one of her first acting roles, and Vincent D'Onofrio played Robert E. Howard, one of Dan Ireland's favorite male actors. Both actors were sincere in their roles and brought forward very powerful performances, but neither performed in a tacky over-the-top way either. It was believable and emotional. There were certain parts in the movie that showed us how Robert thought when he was coming up with his action stories. For example, in one scene he is shown walking down the street punching the air and grunting as he pretends he is fighting off someone. This looks really weird to the ladies looking at him from the outside, but to the viewer of the movie we feel like we are in his head due to the strategic sounds and music used. As we have a close shot of Howard's face we hear the sounds of swords hitting and action music to accompany that helps us understand why Howard is acting the way he is. This strategic use of music was extremely powerful and aided the viewer in achieving the ultimate goal of the film to understand Robert E. Howard as a writer. This movie is a love story and so apathy sometimes just comes with the territory, but this movie at times definitely felt like it dragged on. I didn't feel like there was enough actual substance and action for the movie. There were many scenes that just felt like repeats. Novalyne and Robert just drove around in a car and talked for the majority of the movie. While I realize this movie is supposed to depict the true love story it does not serve well for entertainment's sake. When the movie finally did get to the climatic point where we realize that Robert and his mother have a bond that is interfering with his life it is not shown enough for the audience to understand what is going on. I only understood this troubling relationship after I finished the movie and read several reviews and comments on Howard's life. As I was watching the movie it did not make sense to me why Novalyne seemed to be so bitter about Robert caring for his mother who seemed to be on her death bed, it just came off as a lack of compassion towards Howard. The idea that this dramatic scene was supposed to tell was that Howard's mother was keeping him from engaging in new relationships, but the scene was not near dramatic enough. Although overall I thought this was a charming and deep movie (and refreshing due to the lack of sexuality in this love story) I did not think that Novalyne Price had enough of a story from her point of view to be made into a movie. I also thought that since this love story was entirely from her point of view and since she and Howard were never really committed to each other it was difficult for me to fully accept it as a story of true love because I did not fully understand Howard's feelings in the matter.


Often I have seen a great script thrown away by miscasting or poor direction. Not here! Spectacular acting, great story and direction. This is a drama that is brought to life in the realistic portrayals by Renee Zellweger and Vincent D'Onofrio. I have never really liked Renee much. Seen most of her films, including Jerry McGuire, Chicago, Cold Mountain, Bridget Jones, etc and and thought what is the big fuss about? However, I saw this film later after all her successes and was blown away by her performance. This in my opinion is by far her best work - she and D'Onofrio were so compelling in every scene that it leaves me wanting more each time I see it. I wish they would find another vehicle to work in together. Of course Vincent is is his normal "larger than life" performance. He always entirely captures my attention whenever he is on the screen in any film - but he made the person of Robert E. Howard come alive and even though I never knew much about this author, I wanted to read the book written by Novalyne Price after I saw the film the first time. Their physical difference in height was interesting contrast because you don't notice it after awhile because of both of their strong performances - they share equally and I loved the contrast in how physical the portrayal by Vincent was and how internal the portrayal by Renee. Since this is a drama, it's not a film that you tell all your friends to watch - they just won't understand. But you tell everyone who has a passion for film making to watch it and without exception they all love it and thank you for turning them on to it. If you tell someone to see this because it's a love story - they are going to be really depressed when it is over so I am careful when recommending it - its a tragic love story that is a true labor of love by the entire production team is a much better description. The director, producers and enter cast and crew gave this little gem so much love and attention, and it shows - I think that if this film was made now and Mirmax distributed it, or was debuted at the right festival it would be a film that would be recognized and given the much deserved awards and distribution it deserves.


We are Surprised at how many people said this movie was wonderful. We fast-forwarded through most of the long, drawn-out walking and driving scenes. (Similar to the movie "THE War Of The Worlds".) That, and the arguments and disagreements were depressing.On the other hand, Vincent D'Onofrio did a great job portraying his character. He reminded us of my nephew.OK, now I need 10 lines of text for this submission to be accepted. That would make this comment long and drawn out, just like the movie was. And almost as boring. But that would be really hard to be more boring than the movie was.


If there was only 1 movie ever, I would suggest anyone to watch, this would be the movie that I would suggest. I came across it on Netflix, DVD rentals, and rented it because the storyline seemed interesting, and I like Renee. I had never heard of this movie, and at the time it came out in 1996, I was working too many hours to even know what was in the movie theaters. Vincent D'Onofrio is more than amazing in this role, and should have been nominated and won the Oscar for this part. For me, his portrayal of his character in this movie is the best I have ever seen any actor do. Vincent's portrayal brings out Renee's character beautifully; how could she not act like she did, working against such an amazing actor. This screenplay is beautifully written, from Novalyne Price-Ellis's true book she wrote herself, covering her relationship with Robert E. Howard. I had no idea who he was, but after this movie, have read up on his life, and will purchase Novalyne's book, "One Who Walked ALone", from which this movie was taken. Great directing, screenplay, photography, acting, music; a movie that could not have been put together any more beautifully. BRAVO to all, thank you for one of the best movie experiences I have had, at the age of 48. Shame on whomever did not spend the money to distribute and advertise the heck out of this movie when it came out in 1996. I will purchase the DVD, and will buy it for gifts for many, but wish they had put more in the "special features", than only Renee's chat. Why not all of the "deleted scenes", "the making of", etc...Janet, NYC, Feb 2007
