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The Missing Gun

The Missing Gun (2002)

May. 09,2002
| Drama Action Comedy Thriller

In this tense thriller, Ma Shan (Wen Jiang) is a Chinese police detective who awakes one morning after a night of heavy drinking at his sister's wedding reception to discover that his gun has been stolen. Since only police officers are allowed to carry firearms, Ma Shan is alarmed about the deadly possibilities of the theft, and he sets out to find his weapon; however, the memories of Ma Shan's friends are as hazy as his own regarding the wedding, and no one can tell who drove him home. The situation comes to a head when Ma Shan's former girlfriend arrives in town for a visit and is soon found shot dead with the bullets matching those used in his gun.


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Claudio Carvalho

In a province in China, Detective Ma Shan (Wen Jiang) wakes up on the day after the wedding party of his sister Ma Juan (Huang Fan) and finds that his gun with three bullets is missing. Ma Shan drank too much in the party and does not recall what might have happen with his weapon. He falls in disgrace with his superiors and investigates who might have stolen the gun. When his former sweetheart Li Xiaomeng (Jing Ning) is found dead with a shot of his weapon, he becomes the prime suspect. When the police force arrests his acquaintance Zhou Xiaogang (Shi Liang), he discloses that Li Xiaomeng was accidentally killed since his friend was the real target of the murderer. Ma Shan uses Zhou Xiaogang as a bait to lure and arrest the criminal an retrieve his missing gun."The Missing Gun" was one of the greatest and best surprises among the movies I have recently watched. China Video usually produces low budget, violent and full of action movies with messed screenplays, but "The Missing Gun" is actually a refreshing story that exposes a shock of cultures. In most of Western movies, it is very easy to get a gun (banal in North American movies), but in Communist China, guns are prohibited for the population and therefore they are a symbol of power, respect and honor to the policeman. Even the number of bullets are limited in accordance with this film. Based on this explanation, we can understand the saga of Ma Shan to find his missing gun. This movie has great interpretations, wonderful locations and a beautiful cinematography. The bicycles chase is surrealistic and unusual and one of the most attractive scenes along this great film. The ambiguous conclusion, with the death of Ma Shan, ends this highly recommended movie with golden key. My vote is eight.Title (Brazil): "A Arma Perdida" ("The Lost Weapon")


It is not another Hong Kong excellent-made movie, but this is coming from the rural China with no martial arts or frenetic chase but the one with two old bicycles. The story is by itself strong and humanly ethical. A great man makes a mistake and he has to fix it up, above all the dilemmas or even his integrity moral o physical. The village where it was shot is a fascinating one, the photography is mesmerizing and some camera tricks give the magical touch to the visual without recurring to effects that surely they (the movie producers from China) can't afford. Somehow it reminds me the Brazilian City of God but with a more paced rhythm and a life philosophy that can only come from the rising East. Definitely a movie without the boring tastes of hollywoodean clichés, with this, who cares about reading the subtitles?

George Parker

In "The Missing Gun", a small town cop in China loses track of his sidearm when he gets drunk at a party. The first hour this film is dedicated to the cop running around town asking everyone if they have seen his gun to which all reply...."Nope!". It's not until later in the film we begin to see a plot develop and realize what has appeared to be a comedy is really a drama when our hero/protag/cop finds out his ex-girl friend has been murdered...apparently with his missing gun. The balance of the flick is about finding the gun and the killer. Pretty ordinary stuff by Western film standards, this flick is uneven and less than engaging with marginal English language subtitle translations. Story aside, however, it is a moderately enjoyable blend of contemporary Western filmmaking with the traditional Chinese feel and a small step forward in Chinese action/drama filmmaking from behind the bamboo curtain. A subtitled watch recommended only for those with a taste for traditional Chinese cinema. (C)


It was hard to believe the budget on which this movie was shot, as it puts most of the big budget Hong Kong (not to mention Hollywood) movies to shame in the cinematography stakes. This is the story of the fabled honest cop, who loses his gun during a drunken night at his brother's wedding, and his subsequent efforts to recover it. It is at once surreal, hilarious, paranoiac, and exhilarating... a real rollercoaster of a movie. The acting is superb, the scenery gorgeous, and the direction as tight as a drum. If you have not yet seen this one, do yourself a favour, and seek it out at your nearest Chinatown DVD shop. You won't regret it.
