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Hell's Angels '69

Hell's Angels '69 (1969)

September. 10,1969
| Adventure Action Thriller Crime

Two brothers have a plan on how to rob the Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. They join a motorcycle gang and while the others are drinking and partying outside of town, they change their clothes and head off to rob the casino. Of course, the police do not look for two well dressed criminals among the Hell's Angels.


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Ersbel Oraph

So I kept waiting for Sonny to do a 69 with any of the other bearded gays as the name says. They were gay. They were hanging around. And that is about it. An action movie that is slow. Lost minutes with the bearded gang going around. The most expensive part of the movie. And probably the reason of its sales as biker porn. The acting is almost as bad as an Eastern European action movie. The stunts are about the same, but that was probably a way to calm down the extras. And the story? There is no story. Only cardboard silhouettes moving around, stock characters with no past or future. Sure, when you have read at least one biography about Sony and his merry gang you can fill in the blanks and make it look like a story. In the end this is the visual support for a child's doll play. The bikes go vroooom! And there is a strange girl to trick the censors into not label this gay propaganda.Contact me with Questions, Comments or Suggestions ryitfork @ bitmail.ch


I'd watch "Hell's Angels 69" a hundred times before I'd watch "Easy Rider" again. If you are tired of stoner biker movies where essentially nothing happens other than perhaps several pretentious ego trips, then skip "The Wild Angels", and come along for a ride with the real deal, "Hell's Angels 69". This is a film that actually has a plot, infiltrating a biker gang to pull off a casino heist, while leaving the bikers holding the bag. Things don't exactly go as planned, ending with a desert chase on dirt bikes, and a final showdown. Sonny Barger and his authentic cycle gang buddies deliver realistic performances not found in other biker films. Recommended of it's type. - MERK


Tom Stern and Jeremy Slate are swing bachelor's planning to hijack a casino, ala "Ocean's 11", and pin it on the Hell's Angels. Bad move. For a film with the words Hell's Angels AND the number 69 AND featuring actual Hell's Angels, this movie is surprisingly tame. The Hell's Angels truly deserve a better film to be centered around them. Not this snoorefest. Luckily this is one of the DVDs that features commentary by Joe Bob Briggs so the pain of having to sit through it is greatly alleviated. If you watch it any other way, let me recommend something to you. DON'T!! My Grade: D DVD Extras: Joe Bob Brigg's commentary; Conny Van Dyke's message to her fans (she has more than one?); Photo gallery; Theatrical Trailer; and Trailers for "Blood Shack", "Hell High", "Samurai Cop", and "The Hollywood Strangler"


This movie is about two dudes that most likely hung out with real Hell's Angels after they became popular and sold-out in the late 60's and came up with a "perfect heist" type movie using the Angels as props for their caper.Unfortunately for their characters, the Hell's Angels are a force of nature, similar to fire, and you can't play with them without eventually getting burned.And unfortunately for you, I really can't tell much more about the movie without giving everything away. I'm not sure if the plot and character development was intended to develop over the course of the movie, or if they just made it up as they went along; but that was the main thing that made it interesting, so I'm not really able to tell you anything more without ruining it.Oh, but the best part about the movie: they used real Hell's Angels to play the Hell's Angels. They even use their real names. And if you think that the REAL Oakland Angel's were going to be in a movie in which they end up the suckers, you've got another think coming. As I said, the Hell's Angels are a force of nature and are not to be trifled with. Just give them their due, and pray they let you walk away.
