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The Stand

The Stand (1994)

May. 08,1994
| Drama Horror Science Fiction

After a deadly plague kills most of the world's population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a malevolent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil.


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This was very entertaining and easy to binge watch.


ill keep it short. the first episode is great. good pacing, suspense, and good backstory to give you information. however, after the first episode, the rest of the 3 episodes are slow, terribly paced, and the things people do just don't make any damn sense.i want you to know the ending, i really do. if anything, just to prevent you from wasting your time. a maniac, who seems out of place the entire series, tries to set off an explosion but some weird spirit of an old prophet stops him. it doesn't make sense as you read it here, and it makes even less sense in the context of the film. also, consider the prophet told 4 of the characters to go to the town to stop the bomb going off...but it was worthless, they didn't do anything. a whole episode about some epic journey, where many of them even died, just for some stupid spirit voice to stop a maniac who just randomly decided to bomb the city. its terrible, absolutely terrible.


this is a GREAT film, IF you haven't read the book. this film has it all. romance, horror, comic relief and drama. the plot of the film is a lot different to the book i read ( by the way, there are 2 versions of the book, but i read the newest one where there are no edits). the film conforms to a lot of the book, but there are MAJOR differences that will leave your jaw ajar by the way the substitute people. but this review isn't about the book. the film is 5 1/2 hours long, but please believe me, it is well worth it. Lowe plays an AWESOME part as nick, and as usual, Gary sinese is A+++++. this film makes people think a lot, so if you like the thinking game, it is prob one of the top 10 psychological films, but there is enough drama in here to fulfil the most avid of soap fans! please, watch this film BEFORE you read the book., as the book will fulfil all those unanswered questions.


I have read the novel numerous times and had never seen the TV miniseries .Noticed it was on The Horror Channel , read the reviews and thought fantastic .Wonders if The Horror Channel had edited it and cut things up because it did not make any sense . Unless you had read the novel then abrupt cuts from one scene to another would have left you perplexed.Great first 5 minutes or so and then rapidly down hill .Has none of the subtly or detail of the novel . Badly acted and nonsensical drivel . Did I see another version to the great reviews given here ?Has been led to believe a new series of movies based on the novel are being planned .They can not be worse than this stinker . Gave up half way through .
