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The Forbidden Door

The Forbidden Door (2009)

January. 22,2009
| Drama Horror Thriller Mystery

Gambir is an artist whose success masks a dark and shameful secret. which may be nothing compared to the sordid details of the past that his wife keeps hidden behind a mysterious door in their home.


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I have just recently had the opportunity to watch this movie even though I have noticed the surround positive reviews of the movie for some time. And after watching it just yesterday, it would be fair to say that this picture by far is the best modern picture made by Indonesian filmmaker.It is a bold, horrifying, intense and mean noir psychological horror. The horrid surreal atmosphere and chilling gore very much remind me of Lynch's and Aronofsky's style which is outstanding. Watching this movie really gives you a more complex horrid feeling than any kind of Indonesian horror with excessive portion of demon and ghost appearance more than you beg for of which you can't help but to smirk. And fairly said, this movie has put back faith in me that indeed Indonesian filmmaker can so do much better than only of those sex exploit movies and series of ridicule horror.Finally said, this movie is very recommended as an introductory to a fine piece of Indonesian modern cinema. And despite the plot may not be very original at all and at some point the gory scene may need a little extra stomach to bear, but to skip this modern horror experience would be a sin to every horror/thriller movie lover.


This movie is a perfectly executed thriller combining startling and grisly violence with mystery and a foreboding mood. A young artist finds himself drawn into a world of terror against his will and his life begins to unravel. This is a story of a cruel world and of living under the power of others.The multi-part climax and ending could be described predictable, surprising, (Yes, both of those) as truly epic, and cryptic. I think I've figured what it was supposed to mean, though even had you left the theatre merely confused, you'll appreciate the craft and you will have been affected by the movie.The acting and direction is top notch, and I can attest that the movie was foreboding even when interrupted by technical difficulties and projector problems as my theatre endured when the movie was screened. (Appropriately enough given the English title, our projector broke in two parts where the main character opened a door at a tense moment)I would love to see more work by these people.


this is a very brilliant movie at the beginning of this year.. exhilarating yet awesome at the same time.. I've never seen such a thriller movie from Indonesia before.. it's a trend-setter, and it's a sign for the wake-up of Indonesian film industry..i wont give spoilers, because it will loosen the atmosphere when watching it..and the rules are simple: 1. don't find information about this movie, just watch it. 2. don't get up from your chair until the end of the credit title. 3. no question.. use your imagination.. (hahahaha)I'm sure you'll never regret watching this movie.


Pintu Terlarang (a.k.a The Forbidden Door) is really, really great and will definitely making you stay in your chair when you watched this greatest movie ever.Gambir is an artist. He got a beautiful wife, Talyda. Someday, Gambir got some weird message.Gambir try to find who send that message. And he tell that message to his friends, Dandung and Rio, and they cannot help Gambir.Gambir still trying hard to find who send that message, when someday he found some strange door in his home. He asked to his wife, Talyda, about that door. Talyda told him to never opened that door.Gambir finally got an bright way to solved his problem about weird message. There's some secret organization who broadcast some strange video about the kid who tortured by his parents. Gambir trying hard to help this kid, and take him to sadness truth, madness, Talyda's secrets and definitely, that forbidden door.Once again, Joko Anwar will give you another guilty pleasure when you watch this. Just like Dead Time : Kala (2007), Joko Anwar make this movie so heartbreaking which is making you keep staying in your chair.The point is, this movie will make you forget the world, and after saw this movie, I promise, that your brain will full with your own idea about the ending, because, baby, the ending is so cool. You can put some point of view about the ending.Fachri Albar give a bad-ass performance. He is really great. And, Marsha Timothy can act well too. She can act as a wife who is really mysterious with really great.The art direction is totally awesome. And the music score is really, really make you wanna jumped out from your chair.Just watch this movie, watch the Christmas dinner scene and you will forget anything! Trust me.
