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The Return of Chandu

The Return of Chandu (1934)

October. 01,1934
| Adventure Fantasy Horror Action

Chandu consults his crystal ball and sees that Nadji, Princess of Egypt, is in danger. She is about to be sacrificed by the black magic cult of Ubasti. Headed for the magic island of Lemuria, he is shipwrecked , washed ashore and captured. He becomes invisible, escapes and after numerous detours is able to rescue the princess.


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Not a bad B picture with Lugosi as the romantic lead. The sets are kewl -- wonder where they came from?Don't expect Indiana Jones and you'll be OKThe Plot.The Black Magic cult of Ubasti, based on the isle of Lemuria, believes that Nadji, a princess of Egypt, is a reincarnation of their long-dead goddess, Ossana, and intend to sacrifice Nadji so that Ossana may be resurrected. Nadji has taken refuge at the California home of Frank Chandler, an American raised in the east and possessed of White Magical powers, who calls himself "Chandu". Vindhyan, high priest of the cult's California outpost, learns of this and ultimately succeeds in placing her in a trance which Chandu cannot easily break, propelling him to move her to safety, choosing the port of Suva in the South Seas. There, aided by his sister Dorothy, nephew Bob and niece Betty, Chandu is able to revive her and deal with Vindhyan, only to have the evil Voice of Ubasti, highest of the high priests, spirit her to Lemuria through the magic Circle of Ola.


The Black Magic cult of Ubasti needs to kidnap the last known living princess from Egypt so they can sacrifice her to their cat god. However, the good swami Chandu won't let this happen and spends most of the movie fighting these evil goons until they are, naturally, vanquished.Since this film is called THE RETURN OF CHANDU, you can rightly assume it is a sequel. Just a short time earlier, Edmund Lowe starred as the Westerner who learned the secrets of the yogis. Using these great mental powers, he was able to save a kidnapped scientist and stop the death ray from being used on mankind! For a Saturday morning escapist suspense film, it was a dandy and Bela Lugosi was there to provide wonderful color as the evil villain.Oddly, in this film, Lowe is nowhere to be seen and Lugosi actually plays Chandu!! So in the first film he was a super-villain and here a super-hero! Plus, in the first film he had a wife and kids, while in this film he hangs with his sister and her two grown kids and by the end of the film he's wooing a young lady!! Talk about continuity problems!!! This film is a bit similar to the plot in the original, since it involves kidnapping but the level of excitement and the many, many wonderful and weird story elements from the original film are missing. Missing as well is the comic relief--making this film good, but certainly nowhere near the film the original was. Oddly, while it was made by Universal Studios, the film looked pretty cheap and was an obviously low budget film. Apparently, originally, this film was the first half of a serial of the same name. The second half was retitled CHANDU ON THE MAGIC ISLAND and is significantly worse than this first half. Still, it is entertaining and fans of Bela Lugosi will no doubt find it worth seeing.A final note--The DVD version of this film I saw was from Passport Video and was of very dubious quality (it came in "The Bela Lugosi Box"). This company specializes in releasing public domain films and consistently does nothing to clean up the prints. This one was almost unwatchable due to terrible sound and no captioning. Also, Passport imprints their logo at the bottom right corner of the screen--which seems like a lot of nerve considering they didn't pay for the film!! Public domain AND emblazoning their name across it like they made the film?! Gimme a break. See if you can find a different and cleaner version.


Years ago many big studios promoted serial films that were shown in movie theaters's in between the actual features along with a Newsreel of current events, plus cartoons, especially on a Saturday afternoon. (The parents loved it mostly) "The Return of Chandu" was a 12 episode serial where Chandu,(Bela Lugosi),"The Mysterious Mr. Wong",'34 is a magician with super natural powers and travels to the island of Lemuria to rescue the kidnapped princess of Egypt,(Nadji)Maria Alba,"Dr. Terror's House of Horrors",'43. Princess Nadji is held captive by the black magic cult of Ubasti, who believe that she is a reincarnation of their long-dead goddess Ossana. These 12-episode serials take you way back in time and are very well produced, considering we are talking about 1934 !


I enjoyed this serial. I got it in a set with two other chapter serials from the same era, Flash Gordon and Radar Men. Cheap sets, cheesy dialog and Bela's overacting surprisingly add up to an engrossing combination. It was strange to see him in the uncharacteristic role of good guy/hero, but he pulled it off with his usual exotic charm. While I watched I could imagine what it must have been like to see these one episode per week in the theater. The exotic natives must have really scared the pants off kids in the 30s, a time when there was much less sophistication and knowledge of the world. These episodes hold up much better than the Flash Gordon series from that time period.
