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WWE Survivor Series 1990

WWE Survivor Series 1990 (1990)

November. 22,1990
| Drama Action

Survivor Series (1990) was the fourth annual Survivor Series pay-per-view professional wrestling event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 1990 at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut. This Survivor Series saw the on-screen WWF debut of The Undertaker, who went on to become WWF Champion at the next Survivor Series one year later, and the debut of the Gobbledy Gooker. In addition, Sgt. Slaughter — who was then using an Iraqi sympathizer heel gimmick — delivered a promo where he insulted servicemen stationed in Iraq for Thanksgiving during Operation Desert Shield. Randy Savage, as the "Macho King", was interviewed by "Mean" Gene Okerlund, and issued a challenge to the Ultimate Warrior for the WWF Championship. Ravishing Rick Rude was replaced by Haku after being suspended by WWF President Jack Tunney for insulting the mother of the Big Boss Man.


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This Fourth Survivor Series event is a big disappointment in my opinion. The matches suffer from being far too short and the way in which some of the wrestlers are eliminated, was rather lazy and unimaginative. The most stupid thing about this Survivor Series from 1990, is the appearance of some idiot dressed up as a feathered hen! I know it was the holiday of Thanks-giving but even so, it was ridiculous. The match of the Ultimate Warrior's team against Mr. Perfect's team, had some potential initially. The Legion of Doom - still one of the best tag teams in Wrestling history - were having a story angle with Demolition. The two teams were on opposing teams at the 1990 Survivor Series. What could have been a great match, resulted in there being an average one. Ax from Demolition was due to leave the WWE for various reasons and new member Crush took his place. Ax had little to do and was eliminated early. The fact that both members of Legion of Doom and Demolition were eliminated at the same time, was both thoroughly lazy and disappointing. It was left to the Ultimate Warrior to win the match. The next match is quite a bit better. We are introduced to a wrestler who would proceed to become one of the company's biggest names - The Undertaker. He was a last minute replacement for Bad News Brown who had left the WWE not long before the date of the Fourth Survivor Series. The Undertaker was on the team of the Millon Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. The match has some good action and the confrontation between DiBiase and Bret Hart is like poetry in motion. Next is the Hulk Hogan match where his team is pitted against his enemy, Earthquake and his team. The match is not bad and is at least entertaining. It's too brief though and should have been about 6 minutes longer. The match of the Vipers vs. The Visionaries is absolutely terrible. Of all the matches on the card, this one should have been shorter as it is too one-sided. The ending was rather stupid as well. The final match is also lamentable. The whole thing was woefully uneven in the way the wrestlers were eliminated. To conclude this Survivor Series event, all the survivors from the matches gathered to wrestle in a match to decide who would be the ultimate survivors. This match was passable without distinguishing itself. A few wrestlers were due to participate in the Fourth Survivor Series but had left before this could happen. Akeem the African Dream and Ravishing Rick Rude each were part of the official photos that were taken to show who the teams were going to be. Macho King Randy Savage didn't take part and I was disappointed.


1. Demolition/Mr.Perfect Vs. The Ultimate Idiot(WWF Champ) w. new mullet/Road Warriors/Texas Tornado(IC Champ) - I doesn't like when somebody's finisher move is kicked-out and when Warrior kicked-out from Henning-plex and then won - that's ultimate bad. 5/10 2. Hart Foundation/Piggy Rhodes/ Koko B. Ware Vs. Honky Tonk Man/Greg Valentine/Ted Dibiase/The Undertaker! - Taker has unbelievable charisma from first minute. I'm almost fell under table from laughter, when Taker nails and eliminates Piggy :) 7/10 3. Rick Martel/Power & Glory/The Warlord Vs. Jake Roberts/The Rockers/Superboring Snuka - Piper's commentary annoys like fly in the summer 6/10 4. Earthquake/Dino Bravo/Haku/The Barbarian Vs. Hulk Hogan/Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Tugboat/Big Stiff Man - Hulkamania running wild. Again. 5.5/10 5. Nikolai Volkoff/Tito Santana/ Greatest 2 idiots in WWF Vs. Slaughter/Orient Express/Boris Zhukov - Santana and Slaughter were good, but I can't stand match with the Woodcrackers... 4/10 "Schimme Gene dances and tries to be funny" sketch -5/10 6. Rick Martel/Power & Glory/The Warlord/Ted Dibiase Vs. Hulk Hogan/Warrior/Tito Santana - Undisputed pathetic ending 5/10


This Survivor Series is a LOT better than the PRECEDING year's, even though THIS one could have been better than it ALREADY was.I wish I could go back in time and (THIS is how this one could have been a lot better) help the Vipers win and make it to the Grand Finale (especially Jake Roberts who was outnumbered four to one) and, not only help Sergeant Slaughter of the Mercenaries become the last wrestler to make it to the finale, so that I could have Colonel Mustafa MANAGE him ALONGSIDE General Adnan.Though I imagine a new WWF video game featuring all forty of these wrestlers including Mustafa and Adnan, as well as some of the wrestlers from the Survivor Series which was in three years time.Warriors VS The Perfect Team Warrior pinned Ax, Smash and Crush were disqualified, Warrior pinned Perfect and was the survivorThe Million Dollar Team VS The Dream Team Undertaker pinned KoKo, DiBiase pinned Neidhart, Undertaker pinned Rhodes, DiBiase pinned Bret and was the survivorHulkamaniacs VS Natural Disasters Big Boss Man pinned Haku, Hulkster pinned Bravo, Earthquake was counted out, Hulkster pinned Barbarian and was the survivorIf I could go back in time and change the results of the latter two matches prior to the match of survival and even include Mustafa, it would possibly be the Hulkster, the Warrior and Jake Roberts against DiBiase and Slaughter managed by Mustafa and Adnan.I omitted the REST of the results since they were the wrestlers I didn't WANT to see get eliminated (even though in my PERSONAL view, what matters is a wrestler's TEAM survives even if an actual WRESTLER becomes eliminated).


When the WWF 4th Annual Survivor Series came out Thanksgiving night in 1990, I missed it by a fraction. Fortunately for me, I rented the video when it was still around(The event is out of print today). The debut of the Undertaker was a phenomenon for everyone that saw it. He was the surprise team member of the "Million Dollar Team" captained by Ted Dibiase. The music, the introduction and the crowd's reaction was an epic to behold. There were other great matches in the event like "The Hulkamaniacs" vs "The Natural Disasters", "The Warriors" vs "The Perfect Team" and the Grand Finale match of survival, which was pretty cool too.The event lasted just over two hours, and had lots of excitement. I own this Survivor Series feature and a few others. I also own quite a few original copies of past "Wrestlemanias", "Summerslams" , and "Royal Rumbles"
