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U.S. Catman: Lethal Track

U.S. Catman: Lethal Track (1990)

January. 01,1990
| Adventure Action

One half of the movie follows a guy named Sam and his friend Gus. Sam gets scratched by a radioactive cat in a fight with some wacky drug addicts and achieves amazing super powers. He then puts on a stupid costume and decides to fight some bad guys using his new powers, including a crazed priest named Cheever. The other half of the movie is a about a whole bunch of Asian people that are just beating each other up for no reason, including a tall guy with an eyepatch and a woman that looks like a man. They have no real purpose in the movie, and seem to just be throw in.


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Stalwart of many a previous Tomas Tang ninja flick released under Filmark International's banner and hiding under various other pseudonyms whilst usually playing a sneering, villainous role, Jonathan Isgar (if this is indeed the actors real name) here gets to play the good guy for a change.....and a highly memorable good guy at that! When he is scratched by a radioactive cat(!) our man develops superhuman powers including laser vision and electro/psychokinetic abilities which he puts to honourable use in the fight against crime and more especially against the evil satanic priest, Cheever who is intending to take over the world....or something. Of course, with Alton Cheung i.e. the legendary Godfrey Ho at the helm, this is typically a cut & paste slap up so don't expect to be seeing too much of our masked crusader sadly. Even more regretfully, the film into which Catman's scenes have been edited is a hopelessly mundane Filipino action outing starring hardworking Thai superstar, Sorapong Chatri who as if to further indicate how bland matters in his scenes are, himself looks somewhat disinterested in the unfolding events. Nonetheless, although said factor does admittedly detract from the overall enjoyment level experienced from the film, don't let such scenes of tedium put you off viewing this, for the sequences in which Catman features are truly priceless stuff indeed! The jewel in the crown here is doubtlessly the hilarious, profanity filled dialogue though which just has to be experienced to be believed. Indeed, our hero himself is not above letting off some meticulously placed 'F' words in the face of danger.....or when dispatching of a foe in style! Believe the hype, Catman In Lethal Track is a true bad movie delight and is highly recommended for fans of warped, wayward quality! So good is this in fact, that a sequel inevitably followed although, it has to be said was sadly not nearly as much fun.

Shaun Cameron

...and everything you shall have as long as you maintain a relatively high alcohol to blood ratio for the next 90 minutes. See, the Catman series was bred through the glorious days of Hollywood tax shelters. No one wanted to make money here, actually profit was a detriment, so only truth survived. I kid, as there is no truth here, only a mixed up story of radioactive cats, recreational baseball players & gunfights.I don't lie when I give this a 7...though it does take a little helping hand to get there. Turn down the volume, throw on your mix album of choice (mine are "2 many dj's" or "Spank Rock") & rock out. With original soundtrack intact we're looking at a 3.2 or so. Good luck & let me know


While in NYC one day, myself and my brother saw this DVD in a dollar bin and we cracked up at the cover. He bought it. We didn't watch it until about a week later back in Michigan, where we live.This is, without at doubt, the one of the funniest things that isn't supposed to be funny I have ever seen. There are so many parts that I think are incredibly so odd... I don't even know what to say.The man gets scratched by a radioactive cat and gets superpowers. He somehow just has a costume and has a "Cat Computer" that is never shown in the movie. He fights this crazy priest and his minions, who are hilarious.Plus, there is a second plot going on that literally has nothing to do with the first and never joins up. There is no reason for it. Absolutely none. It's incredible.It's amazing. If you EVER see this and enjoy things that are bizarre, for the love of god buy it.


ah yes, catman.its an awful dub with stiff voice actors and poor acting in general. basically we have a middle aged guy who gets scratched by a radioactive cat. all of a sudden he can turn his tv ON AND OFF without a remote, thats right fellas, no remote, no buttons, CRAZY SPECIAL EFFECTS EH?after that, he decided it would be a good idea if he punched a hole in his apartment, so he does.in the night he magically aquires a black jumpsuit with a sticker of a cat on it, some visor with a plastic dongle in the middle and a cat computer. we dont' see the cat computer, but we can only assume it must be awesome. this movie is really like two stories in one, you get to watch a bunch of angry asian guys talk with each other, kill people, and swear for no apparent reason. 2 stories in one indeed. catman and the angry asians never really meet.the ending is simply FANTASTICi'd say this film is well worth the purchase price, i found it in the 1 dollar bin at a used bookstore. the cover alone is hilarious. just buy it if you see it, it'll make you laugh when you watch it, and it'll make you cry when its over...once you realize it wasn't supposed to be funny.i can't tell you what happens in the end, but i can say that the plastic dongle on his glasses ends up being the most important dongle the world has EVER seen.
