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Sand (2002)

January. 02,2002
| Drama Thriller

A young man tries running from his past by hiding from his two violent brothers, only to have them track and harass him and his friends.


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Libra Su Virgo

Emilio Estevez and Leary, etc, are B-List celebs? Were you high when you went on that rant?You must be incredibly young, because even somebody my age, who would also be young, is old enough to realize the cache of many of the actors you put down, especially Estevez! HE chose to take a 10 year hiatus from big budget productions because he'd rather write and direct, but that was his choice. He's transcended the whole A-list/B-list definition anyway. Some celebrities do reach that point where they can be out of public view and still be a big enough name in the business. PLus, his list of friends, or people only someone as ignorant as you could pigeon-hole as A-listers, are in fact A-listers. All of them. Go watch Bobby, a film he wrote. He employed all of his BIG NAME friends as actors in that film, dip$hit.


"Sand" is a pretty bad movie. I won't waste your time with too much information. The only reason it gets 5 out of ten from me is Kari Wuhrer. God, what a babe! Her opening scene, where she's reunited with her brother Jack on the beach and meets Ty for the 1st time, is prefect. Its beautifully played and is by far the best scene in the movie, for this alone I like it. Unfortunately the movie just stinks. The language is really offensive, I don't mean simply profanity, I mean offensive. Still it might be fun for some to see Lovitz playing married with Julie Delpy and Denis Leary just being around for no good reason. There is some nice music and some nice opening beach shots of Ty as a kid with his Mom. Still "Sand" sinks rather quickly into a montage and want to be Greek tragedy. But again Kari on the beach... Sigh..

robert halvorson

why is every viewer so down on this movie????? flicks are supposed to be fun or entertaining or interesting or whatever and surely at least one of those terms could apply to SAND. i don't understand why everyone says its worthless or boring or all the other unkind remarks that were made. one watcher complained about all the technical errors such as poor editing, re-shoots and whatnot- i didn't notice. i was too busy enjoying the film-taking it for what it was and never once considered changing the channel!!! sure it has a lame scene or two- what movie doesn't??? the only thing that defies imagination is why the beach bums didn't take the bad guys guns away from them the first time they beat the crap out of them in the swimming pool at the motel. the bad guys threatened them three more times after that with the same guns!!!!! now THAT is a legitimate flaw in the writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll give it a two for Denis Leary. He had some good lines, but that's it. What was the point? Where was the script? Who was supposed to act? A movie needs more than this one has to offer. Save the hour and a half to watch your hair grow, or fall out, whatever the case.
