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Mr. Mike's Mondo Video

Mr. Mike's Mondo Video (1979)

September. 20,1979
| Comedy

Mike O'Donoghue's parody of "Mondo Cane" showcases curious performers, strange musicians, celebrity mutations and unusual short films, including Thomas Alva Edison's "Elephant Electrocution". In the tradition of films like Groove Tube (1974), The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977), and Saturday Night Live.


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For a modern audience to get and appreciate "Mr. Mike's Mondo Video", it would probably help to know its history. Otherwise, you will be totally confused when seeing this film. Then again, while you may understand this film, it may not make you laugh.The eponymous Mr. Mike is Michael O'Donoghue, who was head writer for "Saturday Night Live" during what many consider to be its best years ever (1975-1980). Indeed, O'Donoghue was a comic genius when it came to writing, and really wrote great comedy bits that fit the on-screen personalities of such comic legends as Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, and Gilda Radner to a T. However, as this film more than suggests, his genius was most definitely apt to be misunderstood."Mr. Mike's Mondo Video" is a random hodgepodge of comedy bits, short films, and bizarre vignettes. Some sketches are mildly amusing, such as Aykroyd parodying Reverend Jim Jones and preaching the gospel of Jack Lord (the actor who played Steve McGarrett on TV's "Hawaii Five-0"). I also liked the bit about beautiful women telling the camera what turned them on about certain men. O'Donoghue was able to round up an impressive roster of women for that sketch, most notably Jane Curtan, Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman, Deborah Harry, and Carrie Fisher. Then-unknown Wendie Malick (TV's "Just Shoot Me", "Adventureland" (2009)) also makes an appearance.Yet a good 80% of the movie was just . . . weird. Sometimes weird can be funny, but most of the film just made me go, "Huh?" Mr. Mike himself even makes a Rod Serling-like introduction about how much the film will shock and offend me. Five minutes later, I was neither.One such bizarre sketch showed a man teaching cats to swim by throwing them in a pool. I wasn't laughing as much as I was relieved (and surprised, for that matter) that the cats could actually swim. Another sketch showing Dan Aykroyd showing off his foot mutation (some of his toes are webbed, apparently) also left me wondering what the point was of what I was watching."Mr. Mike's Mondo Video" is actually a parody of the controversial 1962 film "Mondo Cane", which was an Italian documentary with footage intended to shock and offend its Western audiences. To me, though, it felt more like Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker's underrated "Kentucky Fried Movie" (1977), except not as funny and far more random. While I credit the film for its ambition and brevity in its complete disregard for the status quo, it just felt too random for me. It neither shocked nor offended me particularly, and further presented Mr. Mike as a rebel without a clue.Apparently I was not the only one who didn't get this movie. According to co-writer Mitch Glazer, a man who went to the movies to see this film upon its original release not only walked out in the middle, but also beat up the ticket person in the box office! While I don't condone the man's reaction, I can't blame him for feeling disappointed.If, based on the roster of famous comedians in the movie, you are expecting "Animal House", you will be sorely disappointed by "Mr. Mike's Mondo Video". Some people will completely get this film, but I did not.


I saw this movie in 1979, I was 17 or 18, when it was released. The theater was perhaps 1/4 full when the movie started. Ten minutes into the movie me and the friend who went with me to see the film were the only two people in the theater. The movie was really weird and had no plot or reason to its script and people demanded their money back. We decided to stay for the ENTIRE movie.... why endure such torture??... here's why. We wanted to be true movie critics... to have a standard to base all other movies on it is hard to justify saying you have seen the best movie (a 10)they always come up with something better. But, it is easy to be able to base all other movies off of the worst movie ever made (and this is it... a 1 at best). There may be other movies out there that truly qualify as a 1, but I have yet to see them. I now base all movies I see on a scale based on this worst....I AM A TRUE MOVIE CRITIC...he he.


Originally intended to be a one-shot summer replacement for Saturday Night Live, "Mr. Mike's Mondo Video" was never aired due to its aggressive, in-your-face humor: "Christmas on Other Planets," "The Church of the Jack Lord," "Laser Bra 2000," "Nazi Oven Mitts," and musical performances by RootBoy Slim and the Sex Change Band and by Sid Vicious. Never aired by NBC due to problems with the censors, instead it received very limited theatrical release. Beware the now-existing video version (if you can find it), as the Sid Vicious performance of "My Way" is missing audio-- instead you get a scroll over the video explaining that Paul Anka, who wrote "My Way" refused to give rights to the video. Too bad-- it was pretty damn funny.The movie is sketch comedy at its sickest, not too different from the best of SNL or "TunnelVision": one of the funnier pieces ("Beautiful Women Love Disgusting Men") has Deborah Harry telling the audience that she thinks "it's cute when guys miss the toilet seat."A must-see. Simply incredible.


The title of my summary pretty much says it all. The movie is hilarious, but there are less "belly" laughs than there are "Where the hell did that come from?" laughs. As National Lampoon fans know, Michael O'Donoghue was an "evil genius" of comedy. His philosophy was that there's no such thing as "too far", and that rings clearly in this film. The movie was banned from TV by the FCC, for obvious reasons. I highly recommend this movie to lovers of dark, surreal comedy, or the underground movement. Chances are that if you have a short attention span, or stay with the mainstream, it's not for you. Praise Jack Lord!
