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Just Like a Woman

Just Like a Woman (1992)

September. 24,1992
| Drama Comedy

Gerald is a smart, young, high-flying American banker. Everything is great until his wife finds another woman's underwear in their bedroom and subsequently throws him out. He finds lodgings with Monica, a recently divorced 50-year old housewife, who is smitten with Gerald. But after their first night of love, Gerald avoids her. Monica feels used and betrayed until Gerald confesses he likes to dress up as a woman. Monica learns to accept and eventually support Geraldine, Gerald's alter ego. Based on the novel by Monica Jay.


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ai sha

The movie explored the lifestyle of a transsexual and the discrimination they have to suffer through. The only thing that really confused me was the difference between a transvestite and a transgendered person. Because in the beginning the main character seems to be fine with being a man during the day, and a woman at night - however gradually see that more of his time is dedicated to being a woman and less a man. I thought the main character's acting was great since it must have been such a difficult role to play. He was a beautiful man which made it easier as an audience to watch him transform into a woman and sympathize over his situation. What I found really interesting was how the sex was performed differently, at first when he is having sex as a man he is aggressive and wild however he is not satisfied. When he confesses that he is a transvestite, the sex is completely different - he is having sex in a more sweet, slow, girly way. That had a great impact on me when I was watching the movie.When we see her (?) walking into the office building, near the end I thought I had figured out the ending completely. I thought that he was going to walk in and let everyone know who he was, but the slight twist was very interesting and caught my attention until the very end. It was a bit corny at times but it was definitely a great movie to open up your thoughts on transvestites/transgendered people.


I think this is a really nice story and I love that it is about tolerance and love. Besides Adrian Pasdar is hot. I found this movie a more pleasing film to watch then the HBO special with Jessica Lang. It touches on the same subject but this film was much more endearing and engrossing. I highly recommend it and suggest it would be a great film to see for social work studies.


Since Educating Rita, Julie Walters has been one of my role models, and her performance in this as a woman who helps the man she loves get in synch with his feminine side is magnificent. I would never have believed her character in the hands of a lesser actress, but Walters pulls it off with gusto and panache. Adrian Pasdar gives his best performance to-date in the male lead.


This one took me by surprise because i had often been disappointed by Adrian Pasdar in the past, but he caught the perfect balance in this performance, avoiding both farce and pathos while delivering humour and real emotions. The always-wonderful Julie Waters is terrific here, and anyone who has not yet scene her in 1983's Educating Rita should rent it immediately (marvelous film). The rest of the supporting characters are well-played as well, many marvelously eccentric without going over the top. This one is fun.
