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When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story

When Love Is Not Enough: The Lois Wilson Story (2010)

April. 25,2010
| Drama TV Movie

Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alcoholic husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.


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I usually don't care for this type of film - spending ninety minutes witnessing the tragedy of the human condition is not my idea of entertainment. However this film is better than the run-of-the-mill tale of man's descent into misery and eventual rehabilitation - much better! The story isn't the thing, although it does give a sobering (if you'll excuse the pun) insight into alcoholism. The really striking thing about this film is the performance of its two principal players. Winona Ryder surprised me with the strength of her presentation, she goes through hell but she is never a figure of pity. And Barry Pepper was astoundingly, almost frighteningly, good. This man is a drunk's drunk, as real as I can imagine any performance being. This film isn't all Walt Disney and happy families (thank God) but it is very good - although you may feel you need a stiff drink when it's done!


Sure, the story of Mr and Mrs Wilson is a very true one, so true that we can hear around us now and then. Before watching it, I never know the alcoholism can be so devastating and make the victim so helpless. And the depression adds insult to the injury, making their lives even down to the bottom. I had to watch this part with great uneasiness. This lasted until the very end, where everything seemed to be OK again. What can I say, exactly such an up and down makes a warm story about devoting love and faith.I am impressed that Mr Wilson finally made it and, not only helped himself but also the others. But I am more impressed by his wife Lois, her devoting love and firm support to her husband, which, if I were in Mrs Wilson's shoes, would have divorced him at least three times over. Sure, this film is from her angle telling the story and understandably making her the closest entry point for the viewers. Nevertheless, her sweetness and forgiveness is never shadowed or shaded by this setting. One might wonder, who else can play Lois Wilson better than Ryder. I don't know how the real Lois looks like, but as long as the real story goes like the one in this film, the role will be tailored to Ryder. After all, I really can't think of another actress in Hollywood has a small share of Ryder's sweetness and shyness.

Steve Skafte

"When Love Is Not Enough" is a film of a very specific style. That sort of style most commonly seen in films which consider the most effective way to depict a period drama is in mimicking the film-making style of said period. If you can swallow all the tear-jerking music and glossy cinematography, you will certainly appreciate the story better. But I found myself aching for a little bit more grittiness. Even much older alcoholic dramas such as "The Lost Weekend" or "Days of Wine and Roses" had a degree of emotional intensity not quite present here. Then again, this is a TV movie, and similar expectations are not necessarily in play.Winona Ryder and Barry Pepper are two of my favorite actors. They don't disappoint here. Pepper (as Bill Wilson) is appropriately pathetic for the better half of the film, believably drunk and unhinged. Ryder (as Bill's wife, Lois) is given somewhat less to work with. Some of her dialogue during the more intense arguments is so wordy and roundabout that she seems tied between losing her breath and keeping a straight face. Both of which tend to get in the way of projecting emotion.It's a good enough film. The story takes you through the events of Bill and Lois' married life, always without making you feel like it's arbitrary or scripted out. The unfortunate side is how John Kent Harrison doesn't offer anything at all outstanding with his direction. The look is flat, clean, ordinary. He sometimes uses off-kilter angles in the composition, which is always distracting and immediately makes one think of 1960s television shows. Harrison prevents the actors from pushing further than expected, and gives nothing but limitations to the production.In the end, this is probably worth watching. The actors give enough guts and passion to make it worth your time. It's nothing to subvert even the lowest of expectations, but you get the sense that everyone tried their best. And that's commendable, even when their best is not enough.


As a recovered alcoholic and student of AA history, I found myself shaking my head with both disappointment and amusement as I watched this movie. In addition to the overly melodramatic tone, the story left out several critical facts, among them: (1) Bill W. was an absolutely notorious womanizer, not only while drinking but also after he got sober, even going so far as to leave 10% of his Big Book royalties to his favorite mistress, Helen W.; (2) the writing of the Big Book was a collaboration, and several chapters were not written by Bill W., although he alone got royalties; (3) the chapter in the BB entitled "To Wives", which was presented as having been written by Lois, was actually written by Bill, who apparently did not believe that she could do it justice--this infuriated Lois (and one can only imagine her thoughts about Bill's bequest to his mistress).To my mind, leaving those things out turned this story into nothing more than Hallmark's usual pabulum. I would vastly have preferred the truth, which is that Lois never stopped putting up with an incredible degree of selfishness and arrogance from Bill, because he cheated on her for their entire marriage. Not only that, but his predatory behavior was a big problem in early AA, so much so that a "Founders Watch" committee was formed in an attempt to keep him from hitting on the attractive, vulnerable women coming to the program for help. The sickening sweetness with which Bill and Lois's relationship was portrayed did nothing to edify: it was like a typical, predicable, and ultimately untruthful AA lead in which the alcoholic finds AA, receives the "miracle of sobriety" and lives happy ever after.The one thing I did like about the movie was that it presented Al-Anon for the most part as what Al-Anon actually is: a 12 step program where members work exactly the same steps as AA. Many people, including mental health professionals, mistakenly believe that Al-Anon exists to help family members understand what the alcoholic is going through, or to help him or her quit drinking, when nothing could be further from the truth.
