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Skeleton Key 2: 667 Neighbor of the Beast

Skeleton Key 2: 667 Neighbor of the Beast (2008)

September. 02,2008
| Horror

Howard and Nicopernicus take a trip back to Nilbog to contend with zombies, vampires, and the dreaded Dr. Nochas in this sequel to Alucard and Shadow Hunters director John Johnson's outrageous horror comedy. There's blood and boobs to spare as the viewer crosses back into the town where nightmares are made, and characters break into song after soiling themselves.


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Errrm, (cough cough) errm....(utterly speechless)...errm....yeah...I'm, errm, not really sure how to put something this calibre of bad into words......I was expecting a cheap straight to DVD sequel to Kate Hudson's Skeleton key, which wasn't a bad movie...And...Errm...I got this...A £20 budget, made by college kids with nothing better to do, no special effects, no story, the worst acting you've ever seen, bad lighting and sound, jokes that are so unfunny they actually make your blood boil with anger, nude women that are so unattractive it makes you fancy a romantic night in with Rosie O'Donnell, I could go on and on......This film really does need destroying so that other people are not duped into renting this out...Shame on you IMDb for not allowing a rating lower than a 1....Minus 350,000 would not do this film justice, it really is THAT bad....WOW!!! ((Goes to flush out his brain with bleach and try to remove the memory of having watched this tripe))


To everyone who posted a lengthy bad review about SK2, I feel bad for you. Not because you had to sit through the movie, but because you took the time and effort to talk bad about it. Were you expecting something BESIDES an intentionally bad movie? I wasn't. It's not the greatest film I've seen, but I can appreciate the effort the makers and performers put into it. I won't lie, but I can certainly appreciate seeing a bunch of naked flesh, too.Just remember something: Everyone who's done this film have made something of themselves. What have any of YOU done? Taking the time to wring long-winded bad reviews doesn't count.


p-semple is an astroturfer. Great music? Most of it sound likes an old NEW game. Better acting? Better than what, a dead sloth. The lighting is horrid, the camera work was done by a crack fiend, and the audio was all over the place. The entire plot is Satan telling some guy that his life bar goes down when he gets hurt (they actually display a life bar) and it goes up when "he has sex with those awesome asses". I wish I was kidding. The devil watches him have 'sex' while eating popcorn, wearing 3D glasses, and shaking pom-poms while saying "Do it do it do it!" You'd think it would be funny. You'd be wrong.How did they get away with using 'Skeleton Key' without being sued is beyond me. The girls are not even attractive.This is worse than a bad Troma film.


Now I went into this movie with no high hopes at all, because of the crap fest of the first Skeleton Key (I would not suggest to waste your time on that piece of garbage)this is not a sequel to the Skeleton Key. But this movie was what they made it to be a bad movie horror movie, full of goofy monsters with a ridicules plot which was hard to follow but seems to be intentional. But all in all it was a damn entertaining movie,I would suggest to give this movie chance and yes the first few minutes are kinda hard to make it through but well worth it once the movie gets going. With entertaining music, and the acting was better that other movies out there.
