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Gettin' It

Gettin' It (2006)

January. 01,2006
| Comedy

When a rumor spreads through the neighborhood that he's got more to offer than most men, an awkward virgin becomes popular beyond his wildest fantasies. Strippers, housewives and the town's most gorgeous eligible women throw themselves at him.


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Destroyer Wod

Well it seem i will be the first positive review of the huge 9 reviews number. Well let me tell you this, the reviews are misleading and exactly why i do not take IMDb's score and reviews for truth. This movie is fairly enjoyable.Sure the story is not "realistic", but do you enjoy watching big robots fight on screen or aliens invading Earth? Then it shouldn't be a problem. Its a movie, its for entertainment. This is one of those movie that is good if your drunk, literally speaking as well as figuratively if you follow Jeremy Jhans.No its nothing spectacular, and it will not be a cult classic for me, but i did found myself enjoyed trough it and never checked my watch or anything. I tough it was a fairly decent juvenile comedy.I didn't had one like this for a while and for that i am glad. Sometimes IMDb reviews are spot on, other times there totally not...


I am not much of a movie person, and this is the first time I have ever registered myself on a movie website, but after seeing Getting' It, I had to get online and express my extreme disappointment with this masterpiece of crap that received my attention for two hours. I live in Japan and the translation of the title read "Virgin with a 40cm..." My wife and I thought it was a spin-off from 40 year old Virgin, oh how we were disappointed.First I recommend this movie be under a new genre, it should no longer be found in the "comedy" section, but rather be under the genre of "crap". I understand this genre is yet to exist, but after the Screen Writer's Guild see this movie, they will be able to make a new genre and not mislead people.Secondly, there should be a new Oscar award for worst writing, I think this movie would win that Oscar for the rest of the millennium because I think there has never been, nor will ever be a worse piece of written crap than the script for this movie.It is absolutely not funny and much as the actors try (or didn't try because they just seemed to be incapable of anything remotely related to acting) there is not even one funny joke. The only time I laughed was before I watched the movie, because I was in anticipation of seeing something like 40 year old Virgin.I hope the writer of this movie will not get discouraged because there are many opportunities to find a writing job on the wall of a smelly public bathroom, where he could probably learn from expert middle schoolers on the art of writing crap humor.If you were one of the many expecting to laugh (even one little 'haha' under your breath) I share in your pain and in the fact that you had to literally waste 2 hours of your life that could have been used for anything else (including punching yourself in the face, which would have been more amusing than having to witness Getting' It).What kind of a title is that anyway! I imagine the writer was like "Man what's a good title, how about 'Getting' It' yeah that's cooooooo!" Sorry this is long but if the editors of this comment section see this movie, they will sympathize with me and everyone else who was utterly disappointed. Thank you for reading, and do NOT waste your time, money, or life on Getting' It.


It's hard to express in words just how awful this movie is. Indeed, a single visual would do a much job than words ever could: a steaming pile of dog poop.I've seen thousands of movies, yet this may well be the only one that didn't manage to get even a single thing right. The premise is weak, the acting is horrible, the dialogue is atrocious, the storyline is trite and the cinematography just stinks. However, the biggest problem is that it just isn't funny. It didn't make me laugh - or even smile - a single time.Anyone, and I do mean *anyone* could make a funnier movie. Compared to Getting' It, movies like Revenge of the Nerds part 4 and Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo are comedic masterpieces.If you liked American Pie, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Wedding Crashers or Superbad... you will HATE this.


If this is displayed along with the flowering words I just read, I'd like to compliment the writer as having more professionalism in the writing of the review than was contained in any 5 minutes of this movie.I truly assume that the writer was an agent or some producer of the movie and is using IMDb to get anyone to view the film. Bad acting, choppy scene changes, and a few pointless actress barings abound.Guidelines state that this review must be ten lines long, but I fear giving this video any more publicity.I gave it a vote of 2 only because the Ferrari was clean.Thank you.
