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Who Do I Gotta Kill?

Who Do I Gotta Kill? (1994)

September. 23,1994
| Comedy Crime

A struggling writer takes a job for his mobster uncle in order to obtain first-hand material for a book on conspiracy plots and the JFK assassination. They often say that a good writer lives what he writes, but what happens when the life that the writer is living could likely get him killed?


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This movie rocks. Jimmy Corona is perfect in the lead role. Lots of laughs and plenty old faces from soprano's and other gangster films. This is one i watch when i want a good laugh and yet it still seems to hold serious at times. The characters are splendid. its fast moving all the way and has some great dialogue. Steve Bucemi pops up briefly and good as always. i would say give this movie a couple of tries as i bought this for the 3rd time after throwing it in the trash twice, it grows on you. the music score is perfect. The best line is "im with the bagatelle's now and you owe them money, this time next week you will not owe them money capish" Jimmy Corona/Jimmy Keys..


First, you'll probably see the video title as "Me and the Mob," an attempt I guess at making it sound like the much superior "Married to the Mob." Sandra Bullock has a very small role (one and a half scenes to be exact) but the video exploits her fame by plastering her name and face on the cover as if this was a one woman show. Since the only interest in this film is Sandra Bullock, I will limit my review to her performance. In "Wrestling Ernest Hemingway," "Demolition Man," "Speed," and "While You Were Sleeping," Sandra Bullock became America's darling, the girl-next-door. In her flops, she played/plays tough New Yaaaawkers, cute, but not great. This is one of those characterizations. However, in her primary scene, she strips down to some Frederick's of Hollywood lingerie to "three input" her boyfriend. She looks pretty good doing it, which is quite a task considering she never removes her undies (which we have already seen as not being crotchless). It's silly that the film makers chose to keep them clothed. In full dry-humping motion Sandra Bullock still does something for me. Rewind and rewind and have fun. Don't bother with the rest of the flick, I fast-forwarded it and the second Bullock appearance is no more than a walk on.


This movie is sooooo stupid. But the sad part is that I have it cause I saw Sandra Bullocks face on the cover of the video so I thought the movie is good. 1st thing is that the movie is so crapy that the name of the movie is in the dictionary describing word crap and 2nd Sandra Bullock is in the movie for like 2 minutes. Plus the acting ohhhhh my God!!!!!


Now I am not going to dog this movie all the way because being the little indie film it is, it entertained me. Though Bullock's role is very little and her only two scenes are dealing with sex, she still made the screen light up when she appeared. The acting isn't top quality and the director could have done better, but if you want to see it go right ahead. It's a crime comedy, reminding me of an indie 'Analyze This' type, but its main category should be drama. It was boring in some parts and you might not want to watch the whole movie in one sitting. Over all, I say it was a good movie to help Bullock on her way, but if she wasn't in it, I might have never bought the movie.
