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The Buttercream Gang

The Buttercream Gang (1992)

January. 25,1992
| Drama Comedy Family

Unlike most gangs, the ButterCream gang does good deeds. Their leader, Pete, has to go live with his aunt in Chicago. But things don't go well in Chicago and Pete is changed when he returns. Soon Pete is hanging around with the wrong crowd. But the remaining members of the gang, especially their new leader Scott, refuse to give up on their friend Pete.


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Unlike many people, I didn't watch this movie a lot as a kid. I actually think I saw it once and I hated it because Pete is so mean and it doesn't seem like the ending gives much closure as far as him changing because you never see it, you only hear about it in the letter. That being said, this was a pretty entertaining movie and the actors in it are quite good considering the level of production. The actor that plays Pete was really good in this. The message of the movie is a good one for kids and adults in that it teaches that love and non-violence is always the best way to treat others. Not only that but Scott learns that doing so with an agenda to try and change someone else will never work, and he learns that by loving his friend unconditionally, he changes himself before he really makes an impact on Pete. The other thing about this movie that made it interesting to me is that it was filmed literally in the neighborhood where I have lived since I was 11 years old and I recognize much of the scenery and locations from having driven past them my entire life.


Ah, the Buttercream Gang! Where do I begin? Is it the truly gripping plot, the heart wrenching performances, or perhaps the life changing soundtrack that makes this movie a real winner. I must admit this movie makes me cry every time i see it. The fact that Pete Turner would leave his group of sweet, inspiring friends to become a gangsta, just gets me right in the heart. watch out, might not want to let the kids see this one. pete's gang pulls kids off the see saw, spray paints a smiley face on a building, and steals fruit pies. the outfits were a little extreme too. when it comes to true gangsta clothes, this movie hit a little too close to the mark. kids, shield your eyes. Michael weatherred gives a tortured performance as pete turner, especially the classic grocery store scene, where he utters the immortal line, "Because I hate myself!" Marlon Brando better watch his back. And as for Jason Johnson, the hottie who plays good boy Scott Carpenter, well, lets just say there's gonna be a new set of handprints in front of the Grauman's Chinese theater. Trust me on this, you won't want to miss this movie milesone.


I don't know what the other people who've rated this movie are thinking... but this movie is horrible... it was given to us as a gift, for Christmas. We got 15 or 20 minutes into it and turned it off. The acting was lame, the story line cheesy - a kid from a "good" small town (which seems to be stuck in some sort of weird time warp between the 50's and 80's) goes to the "bad" big city and becomes corrupted - casting a bad light on all big cities. The icing on the cake was the scene where the perfect, angelic kids, in their perfectly clean clothes and perfect hair-dos (soooo unrealistic) help the poor fallen widow by climbing through her 2nd story window... what about all the windows on the ground floor? Even before that, they ride for what seems like kms on their bikes, past numerous adults, not once asking for help - and has anyone there heard of 911?? We turned it off shortly after this and explained to our kids that if anyone they know is ever hurt or in trouble, they are to dial 911 immediately or ask an adult for help. We decided, as a family, to not finish watching the movie. This film... from the 15-20 min that I saw of it, is so cheesy and unrealistic I would never buy one! The copy we have will go into our infamous "garage sale" give away bin. I would much rather have my kids watch something they know is not real and not intended to be real, such as a good fantasy movie that may have some questionable content, than encourage them to watch something crappy and misleading, masquerading as "real" and "good".


You're right, this movie IS amazing. However, you forgot to mention: 1.) Pete's gang's diabolical takeover of the see-saws at the park. 2.) The awesome clothing 3.) Scott's Dad's persecution of Christians in Vietnam. 4.) The fact that the theme song reflects on life in the streets when there's only one real street in the whole town (the rest are ROADS). 5.) How Pete has this sloo-footed gangsta-walk (aptly accented by his highwater pants). 6.) The fact these kids are so cool, they don't watch TV for the shows, or even watch TV for that matter, they just recite commercials.Oh, yeah, and there are some great dancers in that town.
