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The Opportunists

The Opportunists (2000)

August. 11,2000
| Drama Comedy Crime Romance

Vic is a struggling auto mechanic with a safe-cracking past and a lot of debt. His girlfriend runs a bar and offers to loan him the money she's saved for remodeling, but Vic is reluctant to take it. When a long-lost cousin from Ireland shows up on his doorstep, the two team up for one last heist.


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This movie was paced really well and the characters were are very believable. I was especially suprised I enjoyed Cyndi Lauper's acting. Quite Good.I am a Christopher Walken fan so probably would enjoyed it more than others. Even so it was a good, down to earth story with some morals. It was interesting, funny and really very enjoyable. I liked the quirky humour and was glad I watched it.I would definitely recommend it to anyone.See it.


This is probably the most down-to-earth movie I have ever seen. There´s is absolutely nothing that happened in this movie that couldn´t have happened to you or me. Yet, still the film has a solid and interesting dialog, also very down-to-earth.It took a while to swallow the feeling I got just after the movie. My first thought was: "Oh no, what a week story and what a boring dialog". But after a while I thought the exact opposite. This movie was definitely better than what I first realized.6+ out of 10, is my rating.

Mickey Knox

There aren't many things to be said about this title. It's a boring and stupid film, and it's normal that it didn't have no kind of success. The plot grows very slowly, the characters don't have anything "special", some of them are just "accessories", and most of all, the acting is far from what i expected. Especially from Walken.Don't watch this one unless you have to.Vote: 3 out of 10.


Warning: contains spoilerThis movie, in the way it was crafted, reminded me of the craftsmanship of the great films of the forties. (Casablanca, African Queen, Mildred Pierce, to name a few of my favorites) That is, straightforward in telling the story and no superfluous fluff. The screenwriters could have easily gone astray in this film by adding love scenes between the daughter and the boy or even Lauper and Walken's character, but they deftly avoided this and stuck to the story. I enjoyed each and every performance and it is a shame that because of the Academy's focus on mainstream cinema Christopher Walkens will probably be overlooked at Oscar time. He conveyed so much with his facial expressions alone that it is easy to watch this movie again just for his low key performance.My favorite scene in the film was where the Walkens character is practicing opening safes and his cohorts are watching this. Near the end of it they are shown asleep on the couch while Vic is still hard at work on the locks. This reminded me of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane who slept while Christ 'watched'. I am not saying Walkens character is a Christ figure. But in this he and Christ were at one: they took their craft seriously. And later when the 'disciples' begin to loose faith in Walken's character he confidently parades out of the house and announces that the next day the heist will come down.One minor glitch: Walkens character didn't impress me as the type who would botch an automobile repair job; so at that point I felt something was fishy, but I quickly forgot about that fact and rode the crest of the story. The minor characters were all equal to their roles and I was pleasantly pleased with Cindy Lauper. Give this one 9 out of 10 and hope it garners a Oscar nomination.
