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Seduction Squad

Seduction Squad (1972)

December. 20,1972
| Comedy

After witnessing and accidentally helping several thugs get away with a heist, the women rooming together notice through their telescope that the stolen loot is in the apartment right across the street. They plan their own burglary of the already stolen loot.


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Four female friends and roommates find out that they leave next door to a bank robber, so they decide to steal his loot. Sounds like it might be fun, right? Well it's not. There is not a single funny, witty, or sexy moment in this movie. The promising cast is totally wasted; it's hard to believe that Bernadette Lafont, who had made a name for herself by starring in multiple films of Chabrol, Truffaut, Rivette, etc. would accept starring in a film whose idea of humor is speeding up the image and the sound! I must admit that I did a little "speeding up" myself - via the fast forward button. There is one decent car vs. motorcycle chase - the reason for the movie's 2nd star (out of 10).


This is a frothy light-as-a-soufflé French comedy caper that has any number of English-language titles ("The Seduction Squad", "The Powdwer Puff Gang", etc.), but the most appropriate one perhaps is the direct translation from French, "Too Pretty to Be Honest". The movie is about four very pretty female roommates (Jane Birkin, Emma Cohen, Bernadette LaFont, Elizabeth Weiner) who, while looking through their telescope, discover that a group of men in an adjacent flat are an international gang of bank robbers and art forgers. Instead of calling the cops, however, they come up with a hare-brained plan to rob the robbers--but being typically dim-witted 60's femmes, they're naturally much more likely to fall into bed with them in the end.There's plenty of eye candy here, but regrettably it all stays pretty much in its wrappers. Of course, you can see Emma Cohen's impressive "T"s and Jane Birkin's delectable "A" in plenty of other movies, but their absence here results in the movie relying entirely on the comedic elements, which don't carry it very far, unfortunately (especially, with the typically crappy English dubbing). Of course, where Jane Birkin goes her frog-like pop Svengali husband Serg Gainsbourg is never too far behind. He has a small role here and may have had something to do with the catchy theme song.This is just OK. I'd recommend the every similar Jane Birkin vehicle "Catherine and Co." instead.
