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Crazy First Love

Crazy First Love (2003)

June. 27,2003
| Drama Comedy

A young student falls madly in love with a professor's daughter. Promised by the professor that he will let him marry his daughter if he graduates from university with a law degree, the student works hard and finally succeeds. When the time comes for the professor to fulfill his promise, his daughter suddenly announces that she will marry another...


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Crazy First Love is a comical portrayal of the unforgettable first love, which is part of everyone's life. Through naive but sincere-hearted Son Tae-il, who fights alone for his first love till the end, the true meaning of love is again wakened. Cast and crew members prepared 12 months to complete Tae-il's very own "Defend Your First Love Guide"? and now, through the secrets are ready to be handed down to those who are in need of guidance. His guidance and advices are simply invincible! This summer, every love battle will be won and the first love will be protected!It is a romantic comedy about people experiencing love for the first time in their life. Aside from that, it also presents characters in a funny way on how they take their relationship into the next level. Added to that, it provides the viewer the clear difference between friendship and love. The acting was great in this film. Cha Tae Hyun and Son Ye-jin were effective as the comic characters that are falling in love for the first time in their life. Also, the supporting cast were complementary to the leads' performances. Aside from that, the story has a great theme about love despite of being a romantic comedy.


This is a great movie!!! I'm seeing some bad reviews about this movie on this site, but I think I know why (btw, I'm Korean). Among many Korean movies I've watched, I think this movie has a little more depth to it then some other Korean movies with simpler plots. This movie takes place in the southern region of South Korea, and about 95% of the dialogue is in southern dialect, meaning very unique and distinctive words/expressions which are very hard to translate in English while carrying the full intended meaning. For example, one of the ending lines of the movie quotes, "I will protect her until I paint the walls with my poop," in Korean (before translation) this is a very comical and meaningful line, but when translated in English as above, it sounds rather awkward than funny. In addition, there are parts in the movie which may seem very very strange and weird (or simply difficult to understand or find funny) to viewers who aren't Asian. Some parts of the movie may only be understandable to it's actually intended meaning if the viewer had lived in Asia(??) I have lived in Canada for over 8 years and can see the different perspectives of the Asian viewers and the other viewers on this movie. Anyways, I found this movie GREAT!!! and recommend it to any viewers looking to look (more) into Asian culture, or are willing to challenge themselves with trying to understand what the actors/plot actually mean, other wise I recommend other Korean comedies such as "my sassy girl" or "100 days with Mr.Arrogant". Thanks for reading my babbling, I hoped it didn't offend anyone, and I hope it helped you.


This is a painfully awful film. I've seen worse, but not lately (It's worse than CATWOMAN, even!). I usually find something good to write about in all the Asian films I watch, especially the Korean comedies. This one has absolutely nothing. It's not funny, it's not romantic, and i already have 4 year old that whines all day long, so why would i want to kill nearly 2 more hours of my day listening to a grown man do it. The only saving grace is the lead actress, but unfortunately it is for her beauty and not her acting.Save your dollars for the "better" comedic films like "My Wife is a Gangster", "100 Days with Mr. Arrogant" or even "Please Teach Me English". Your brain will thank you (maybe).


The synopsis of the movie is mentioned in other reviews, so I'm just going to tell you what I didn't like about this movie. It's far too inconsistent and what starts off as a light comedy - in the mold of say, My Sassy Girl or 100 Days with Mr Arrogant - skews into soap-opera melodrama at the drop of a hat, with all players involved shouting and crying their way through proceedings. Tae-hyun Cha, who was pretty good alongside the fabulous Ji-hyun Jun in My Sassy Girl, is mistaken when he thinks that screaming at the top of his voice constitutes good comedy while all Ye-jin Son has to do is stand around and cry a lot. If you like shopping for the odd Oriental movie on auction sites and are looking for a nice comedy, I would recommend either of the previously mentioned titles, including Spy Girl and the 2 My Wife is a Gangster movies.
