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Totally Blonde

Totally Blonde (2001)

January. 01,2001
| Comedy

Meg Peters just can't seem to find Mr. Right, she bleaches her hair blonde and we answer the age old question "Do blondes really have more fun?"


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OK, so this comment may be a bit biased because I am a huge Michael Bublé fan, who has even paid the whole 30 dollars to join his official fan club. A few fellow fans told me that the movie wasn't that great, and a few told me that it totally sucked. So when I bought the movie on ebay for 1.99, I had no expectations.I was pretty surprised that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The lead actress wasn't that great, and so was a few other actors, but Michael made this movie come to life. His singing, and his acting. I mean, he wasn't no academy award winning actor in this movie, but he has the potential to do some great movies if he wanted to. Oh, and buy his new CD, "Call Me Iresponsible." The Album is amazing.


Krista Allen and her smoking Hot Bod, Funnyman Colin Mockery's brilliant adlib'n and Michael Buble's Great voice all aid in making this light hearted, good hearted PG-13 Sexy comedy work. Blondes do have more fun, they are lusted after more (in the USA) and they get laid more. This film explores all that and a bag of BB-q chips. Of course if all you want to do is see Krista Allen is sexy outfits (inc a thong) than you MUST rent this film. IF you want to hear great ORIGINAL songs sung by M. Buble that you MUST rent this film. and of course if you want to see Krista Allen is sexy outfits (inc a thong) than you MUST rent this film. (did I mention that already??) Wow SHE IS HOT AND FUNNY, the kind of girl you take home and laugh you ass off as she lets you slap hers!! 8 out of 10 I LOVE KRISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thought that this flick was pretty funny, although it was filled to the brim with all kinds of jokes about blondes. I honestly think that Krista Allen is gorgeous with blonde hair, and I'll say that one of the funniest parts of the whole movie was the beginning (the Blonde school). I thought that Charlene Tilton's brief scene in the movie was really funny, especially when she got to the part about "Y'all go ahead and be dumb!" and so on. What really cracked me up about Charlene is her doing a Southern accent (I must add that she's really good at it because many women I've met here in the South talk very much like that, but I've met a few who talk rather differently). However, it seems that the rest of the movie went downhill after the first part. I think it's really sad when a movie's first part is funnier than the rest of it because it makes a person feel like he/she has wasted the rest of the time that the movie lasts. All in all, it's a rather amusing movie if blonde jokes and parody flicks are your thing.


I'm almost embarrassed to be writing a review of this film. It features B-movie/soft-core porn star Krista Allen in a farcical attempt at romantic comedy. The only highlight is the Sinatra-like singing of Michael Bublé, the male lead. His acting is very bad, but his singing is good. The acting of Allen is painful to watch, and I continually felt pity for her. The other characters don't do any better.The script is atrocious, the interior sets look over-lit and low budget (especially the club), the photography is mediocre, the narrative flow is ridiculously compressed, there's no building on the theme of a woman changing her appearance to exploit a male preference (in fact, almost no comment on it at all), and Allen's character's behavior is so completely juvenile and immature that she becomes an obnoxious stereotype of the oblivious woman. This display erased any sympathy I might have otherwise felt for the character. Obvious attempts at humor were almost universally unfunny, and the soundtrack in many cases unsuccessfully tried to be jazzy (aside from Bublé's songs). The trite message of "Follow your heart" as the core of the film's plot had me rolling my eyes on multiple occasions.I am convinced that Andrew Van Slee lacks any real talent whatsoever (how many readers are saying "Duh!"?), having now seen three of his films (I won't bother with any more of them). There are so many truly great romantic comedies available that no time at all should be wasted on this one (instead, run right out and rent "It Happened One Night").
