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Standing Ovation

Standing Ovation (2010)

July. 16,2010
| Comedy Music Family

A group of young girls is competing in a nation teen music video competition.


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Tom Orrow

The term 'lovecraftian' typically applies to horrors beyond comprehension of which cannot be described my simple adjective phrases. Standing Ovation is quite possible the most disturbing and impossibly horrifying thing ever in the known universe.From the rancid digital photography that plagued our television sets in the mid 2000's. The disturbing affection these teenage girls have for attractive men up to 3 times their own age. The backhanded mention about the little girl who can talk to dead people. The gay stereotypes. The wigs, oh lord in heaven the wigs. The extras stood around in the background clearly looking at the camera crew. The clips from the movie obviously super-imposed onto televisions throughout. The obvious adults playing teenagers. The mercilessly long 100 minute running time. The "whoring up" of the young pre-teen actresses with make-up and piercings that makes you squirm in your own skin. The fact that every adult in the movie, is an unbelievable dick to the kids in the movie. The heavy use of autotune on the songs that ruins the authenticity of the singing scenes, this heavy a use of autotune already makes the movie feel incredibly dated. The fact that one of the characters carries around a pepper spray bottle full of perfume and uses it to harm animals. The fact that apparently an entire fire station was put out of action to film scenes in this wretched movie, and the firemen who can't stop laughing during. The sub-plot about the grandpa's gambling addiction that may lead the main characters into homelessness. The scene where the kids lock a grown man inside a claw machine with a king cobra. The atrocious green-screening, was it easier than just shooting someone getting out of a car outside?. The music video where a young boy starts talking normally but as soon as he starts singing he has a deep adult voice. The disturbing abundance of naked fat bodies. The fact that these musical numbers are absolutely unintelligible and clearly just a bunch of jumbled sentences that somehow manage to rhyme. The manager character is clearly a closet psychopath who could snap at any moment. The epilogue that goes on for 20 minutes, THEY WIN THE TALENT SHOW, why does it need to keep going, I don't care if they get a record deal or keep performing, they already won the prize money. The villain they introduce in the last 10 minutes who stole some money from a safe, but it actually belonged to one of the singers father who may have stolen it from the government. WHAT KID WILL CARE ABOUT THIS?. The voice screaming hello as a ringtone, who would want that?. The dad character just offhandedly buys someone a house, you know because that's something you give to casual acquaintances. The ceaseless butchering of classic pop songs throughout.I could spend the rest of my natural life studying the flaws in this film and still not be done.This movie is not a bad movie, it transcends the very meaning of "bad movie". This movie journeys beyond the event horizon and into the black abyss of the impossible, a movie that charts entire new regions of horror, to merely gaze upon this movie is to look into the face of the infinite.Mere mortals should stay far away from this movie, to do so is to go insane. Even Lovecrafts own Old One's shudder at the mention, the mere thought of Stewart Raffill's Standing Ovation.


I have watched a lot of movies lately that have all been predictable and boring. This movie was neither the jumping plot lines and new characters kept me guess to where the story was going. First I thought the movie was an empowering group of rag-tag underdogs rise to fame. I was mistaken when I found out it was a heart wrenching story of a girl from Jersey looking to right the wrongs of the past and get her fathers stolen money back from the man who stole it. But there was another twist that put me on the right path to a daughter who wanted to find her father who had abandoned her years ago to make it big so that he could finally buy her love and respect!! It was inspiring to see so many things come together at the end making me feel that there really is a happy ending for everyone even if you make wigs!

Tay F-J

This was a terrible movie that had practically no plot. The acting was terrible, and the singing was only OK. I wanted to watch a fun movie on Friday night so I chose this, because it looked good. Boy was I wrong. I can't believe I made it through the whole thing!!! The girl Joey who played the manager made me want to pull my hair out. I would not recommend this movie to anyone! I don't remember it being in theaters even though they say it was. I guess it was one of the movies I skipped over because it looked so dumb. At the end, Joey just pops out and says the guy they just met is that one girls father. Seriously, we just met the guy for crying out loud. Then the girly storms out and yadidadida. Then the next day (I'm just getting started) her friends are all, hey girl come outside. The dad bought the whole neighborhood presents. Is it just me, or is it weird he bought a present for EVERYONE in the 'neighborhood.' This is New York we're talking about. The presents also had the person's name on it. FYI daddy, there's this thing called robbers, and greedy little children. I think it's kind of stalkerish to find everyone's name and put it on a present. But if he got them a present according to their age, then he must be a rich stalker.


This film is what it sets out to be. It is a fun entertaining movie. My kids loved it and they already begged for me to go to the website and get them a copy of the CD. Following that I did purchase headphones for them! Its just fun and a good way to enjoy an hour and a half. Good music and dancing. It is a very positive movie that left my kids feeling great after wards. I've read the reviews and I was honestly dreading going; but after witnessing it; I don't fully understand what all the negativity is about. it is great to see that there is someone giving talented kids a chance to perform and get to their dream. its much better than watching some 30 year old pretend they are high school juniors.
