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Co-ed Call Girl

Co-ed Call Girl (1996)

February. 11,1996
| Drama Crime

Thanks to a roommate's practical joke, bookish college student Joanna Halbert finds herself signed up with a Malibu-based escort service which promises her big money and an easy ride. Instead, she becomes entangled in a web of corruption, sleaze, and violence.


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I'm not sure what seemed further divorced from reality-that Aaron Spelling continued to give his daughter slutty roles, or that I was expected to believe that people would pay for sex with the thing under the bridge. Either way, suspension of disbelief can only be taken to a certain point and paying for sex with Tori Spelling went well beyond that point.I love things that lack any redeeming quality because they're so easy to laugh at, and this movie made me cry. Even still, it was awful so I can't give rate it higher than a middle rating. So be warned! That five I give this has nothing to do with being mediocre, but so far from it that I couldn't help laughing at it's failings.


Boy oh boy was this film typical. From the very beginning to the end, this film could be predicted accurately. Not to say that this film was bad or anything, it's just that it was so clichéd. I did feel that Tori Spelling gave a good performance because she was so believable in her role. I mean, could anybody play a naive college girl that well and would have still been believable? Spelling portrayed innocence in such a way that I actually believed she was innocent and unexperienced at things. This film has some plot holes but what film doesn't? Even though the acting wasn't fantastic I did feel that they worked well with what they were given. Since Lifetime always show these particular films all the time, they're gonna have to change their name to "Television for the Abused." Anyway this film is at least worth for one viewing.


Said to be based on a true story, Tori Spelling stars as Joanna Halbert, smart girl, good student, medical school is in her plans, dad died when she was young, she helps her mom by working in the bakery. One day on a whim a friend of hers leaves Joanna's name and a message, as a prank, on the answering machine of a Los Angeles escort service. She gets a return call from Kimberly (Jeri Ryan, recently of "Boston Public"), is invited to a Malibu party, is made to feel special, goes to dinner with a client, gets an envelope with $400 cash. She is very reluctant but, being poor and somewhat "needy", accepts only because she is told she will never be asked to do anything she feels uncomfortable with. Being innocent and trusting, she believed that lie.MAJOR SPOILERS. As she progresses in her sideline, she sleeps with some clients because she likes them, but refuses others. Made to feel guilty, then threatened, she just wants to get out. "Let me go, please. We can still be friends", she pleads with Ron Tamblin (Scott Plank). In what is in all likelihood self-defense, she shoots him, thinks she has killed him, runs away, is arrested, he is alive, and points to her as the shooter.In the eventual trail, Ron the pimp is exposed as a fraud with many identities, shady businesses, and a tax evader. The jury believes the testimony of Joanna, who claims self-defense, and is acquitted on both charges. As she walks through the courthouse halls with mom and Jack, her boyfriend, Ron leers at her with a giant grin, a strange ending.I never cared for Tori Spelling on the TV series, and with her father's looks isn't particularly attractive, but she does a respectable job in this role.


This is a fun movie, if for no other reason than to watch Tori Spelling emote. It's reminiscent of a Joan Crawford vehicle, where she appears in every single scene, except that Tori ain't Joanie, and "Co-ed Call Girl" ain't "Mildred Pierce." But she does her best, emotions ranging from innocence and pain and shyness to sexy and vampish and glamorous once the hair goes blonde. But no matter her mood, she's always "good." Naturally, everyone over-acts, and you know exactly what's going to happen, but that's OK because it's a romp getting there.
