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Sand Castles

Sand Castles (2016)

March. 21,2016
| Drama Thriller Crime

In rural Indiana, Noah and his impoverished family wrestle with the mysterious return of his now mute sister, Lauren, who was kidnapped and held captive for over a decade.


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I am only writing this review to warn others not to waste their time watching this atrociously trash film.Everything about this film was terrible from the costume to the casting to the story to the attempt at acting. It was absolutely awful. I am not the sort of person to write reviews but I watched this film because of the rating on here and am utterly disappointed. How this film managed to gain a whopping 7.1 is astounding. Easily the worst film I have ever watched. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.Do not watch this film if you value your time.To elaborate, the actors are made out of wood, the filming looked like something out of a gcse project and I have seen more believable acting in Hollyoaks. Overall, a terrible and gruelling 90 minutes of my life was wasted.

Marley Rae

I do not write reviews, but I signed up because there is something special about this film. It's got an indie grittiness that you love in movies like Winter's Bone, but with a light, love and beauty (cinematography is amazing) that you would see in a Terrence Malick film. The story is full of nuance and things you "get" without being told, almost philosophical at times. I read a reviewer called it "Hauntingly poetic", which is a perfect term for it. But like most good movies, you either really love it or you really don't. I loved it. The cast is subtle and raw, the music is captivating, the story is complex and subtle (pay attention to the details, some I only picked up on 2nd watch)... and the cinematography is beautiful. The film won a lot of awards on the film festival circuit and for good reason. Bottom line: The movie made me feel different than most.P.S. There is an important scene in the middle of the end credits, so stick around!


Ten years ago, little Lauren Daly (Anne Winters; Wicked City) was abducted while on a family trip to the beach. Devastated, the remaining family members spend the next ten years battling against alcoholism, depression, and suicide. Sand Castles depicts a tragic story of a lost childhood and the lives affected by that loss.Ten years on and Lauren's brother, Noah Daly (Jordon Hodges), is taking care of his now alcoholic mother with help from his uncle Tommy (Randy Spence). Quick flashbacks reveal why Noah's father is no longer in the picture; an event that also took its toll on their family. The household is squeaking out a type of existence although it is clear that Lauren's disappearance hit them hard. But then they get a visit from the detective who has been on the case since he was a rookie. He informs them that they have found Lauren alive and it throws their new world for a loop.Now a teenager and unwilling and/or unable to speak, Lauren tries to reintegrate into her broken family with the detective and a case worker looking over their shoulders. The case worker does her best to help Lauren, including taking her to a play based on a worn out book she carries around. But the presence of alcohol does not help. Lauren's mysterious return also re-energizes the investigation into her disappearance. Clint Howard co-stars as an eye witness who believes he saw Lauren getting dropped off where she was found; an account that leads Tommy down a dark, potentially heart breaking path.The use of flashbacks is nearly perfect in this film. They tended to be short little clips introducing characters or circumstances just when that information is most useful. For example, when the detective is introduced, they have a quick flashback to him as a rookie getting the call of a missing person (Lauren). It's not too drawn out, gets the exposition out of the way, and keeps the story flowing at a decent pace.Overall, Sand Castles is an interesting, emotional roller coaster. The characters are (mostly) likable and the actors are very respectable in their parts. The plot is depressingly believable and shows that your world can change in an instant both for the worse and for the better. I would have preferred a bit more closure regarding Lauren's kidnapping, but stick around during the credits for a bonus scene that does wrap up a few last threads of that mystery.Bradley Smith, Red Carpet Crash


I usually do not write a review for any movies I watch, which will be obvious from this one. I will not claim to be anything more than a movie buff looking out for fellow buffs who find their time precious. I read reviews hoping to weed out the stinkers, as I cherish my free time. No thanks to the reviews on this film, I watched in amazement possibly the worst film of my life. The acting was unbearable. The casting atrocious. The storyline, screenplay, lighting, furniture...you name it and it sucked!(the dog was stellar, however)I could spend 5 or 6 paragraphs explaining the movie, which the synopsis does and yet the clowns leaving the reviews before me waste more time by doing. I will instead give you the advice that I only wish was given to me...grab a chair, turn on your faucet, sit down and watch for an hour and a half. At least you will be able to erase that from memory.
