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No Trace

No Trace (1950)

September. 08,1950
| Drama Crime

A famous mystery writer uses his own plot tricks to murder a blackmailer in this British thriller.


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This is a variation on the theme in which a murderer finds himself investigating his own crime. Hugh Sinclair does well as Robert Southley, an arrogant crime novelist whom had been involved in robberies on the other side of the Atlantic decades earlier. Blackmailed by a former accomplice (Michael Brennan) he resolves to murder him. Some suspension of belief is then required. He turns up at Brennan's seedy lodgings, disguised only with a false beard and we're supposed to accept that Brennan wouldn't recognise him straight away. Then Southley's acquaintance Inspector MacDougall (John Laurie) a critical fan is coincidentally put in charge of the case and selects it as an opportunity for the know-all Southley to try his hand at some real detection. There is later some ironic commentary, intentionally or not, on some of this when Southley's perceptive and resourceful secretary Linda (Dinah Sheridan) suggests correctly how the murder was committed, only for him to patronisingly tell her that the idea is implausible.This is an example of a crime film awarded the somewhat inaccurate label of Brit Noir in some quarters recently. With a few exceptions, notably Ken Hughes in films such as THE LONG HAUL, British film makers rarely attempted to emulate the look and atmosphere of those hardboiled American movies later to be designated as Film Noir. Though films like NO TRACE may share a few superficial elements with them, their charm today includes their period of the ordered society of immediate post-war Britain, their cheery incorruptible policemen and in this case the adorable Dinah Sheridan's plucky but vulnerable heroine. There could hardly be a greater contrast with the treacherous, morally ambivalent world of the Noirs.


Dinah Sheridan who died only last year at the age of 92 seemed to be the perfect leading lady either for dramatics ("Blackout" (1950)) or classic comedy ("Genevieve" (1953)). She started out in 1937 in her late teens but it was only in the early 1950s that she really hit her stride as the quintessential English Rose (and then suddenly retired in 1954 after remarrying). Even though, in this film she has the thankless role of the secretary, she gives the role a special something.Hugh Sinclair plays insufferable popular crime writer, Robert Southley, who is visited by a ghost from his past. It is slimy blackmailer Mike Fenton who went to prison for his part in a robbery while Southley escaped and created a new persona writing novels about the perfect crime. He pays up for an incriminating letter but of course that is only the first installment so he falls back on a disguise he created for an earlier novel, "No Trace", that of a weather beaten seaman. He manages the murder but a woman (terrific Dora Bryan, the one sparkle in the movie) from the boarding house has seen him and, as luck would have it, also has a copy of the book with the bearded man on the cover, although, in a little twist, never makes the connexion. The police are stumped and Southley who is now out of disguise and helping them, is convinced he has committed the perfect crime and is making the case the basis for his new book "Murder by the Book". But secretary Linda is starting to come to her own conclusions and Robert is not happy.The story's the thing in this quota quickie - certainly not the sets or the rather wooden acting from the male stars - both Sheridan and Bryan really stand out like beacons. Linda starts her own investigation, being discreetly tailed by a member of the police and Robert who is more determined than ever that her time on earth shall be short!!!This was almost the start of Barry Morse's career, he played the detective and love interest of Sheridan which didn't mean he had much to do - honestly, he seemed to be in every other T.V. show when I was a kid!! Hugh Sinclair is a familiar face to people familiar with British films from the 40s and 50s - he seems right at home as the supercilious author who thinks he can get away with murder.


Above average (I voted 7/10) British crime thriller from 1950.The Secretary in question is Dinah Sheridan who seems more intelligent than her boss (Hugh Sinclair), an ex-actor, ex-robber with a shady past now crime writer trying to bury his past by producing successful novels.In accordance with IMDb.com policy I won't give away the plot and thus spoil future viewers enjoyment of this film.Incidentally, I have never seen this film on DVD nor for sale commercially but the good news for readers is that it is shown on the wonderful youtube.com, so come on readers, let us have a few more comments than mine and those above, I would be interested to hear other opinions.As I am 65 and therefore was 4 in 1950, I have a vague memory of the stylish gull winged Triumph sports car that Hugh Sinclair drove around in the film.As stated in another of my reviews, it is a pleasure for me to see film characters driving around London AND PARKING! where they please, with hardly any other competing motorists or eagle eyed, intimidating traffic wardens.More disturbing is the frequency with which early post war film actors/actresses light up cigarettes (made a man/woman of you!).I noticed Hugh Sinclair only lived to 58 and if he smoked in real life like his stage persona, it does not surprise me.It was unlikely a Scotland Yard detective, (played by "Dads Army" stalwart John Lawrie) would invite a crime thriller writer along for the ride to help him solve the case.The direction/writing is in the safe hands of Robert S Baker/Monty Berman partnership.


I was amazed by this pretty good surprise from John Gilling. One of his earliest films. One of his most hard to find ones. UK amazing crime movies are not so numerous. This one is cheap but effective, sharp and breathtaking.The tale of a famous crime novels writer who commits the perfect murder in order to protect himself against a black mailer. A guy he knew several years ago and with whom he committed some outlaw jobs. A guy he absolutely has to get rid off. At all cost.I won't spoil the movie, describe all the details and deprive you of the pleasure I took myself. One of the greatest UK B movies from these years.And produced by the wonderful Robert Baker and Monty Berman.
