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Son of Sam

Son of Sam (2008)

September. 06,2008
| Drama Horror Thriller

This chilling tale recounts the late 70s in New York City, when a serial killer on the loose dubbed "Son of Sam" creates havoc. When arrested, "Son of Sam" tells police he was influenced by a satanic cult. New York would never be the same.


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Emma Roid

terrific movie, a must see....if you love horror ..... you will feel so horrible for the only guy to sit threw the whole movie awake, the guy who had to edit the film (not me)jk. its inconsiderable how they didn't use David's Jewish back ground with his Jewish stick , most of his trial he would joke around and be funny, wish this movie used that.But the first time I fell asleep watching it like after 10 minutes. I just popped it in again to show a friend, she passed out and went to sleep and its around noon. So if your in pathmark and look in the 2.99 bin your sure to find this lion's gate film ( which surprised me ).ps I wish they had the making of this film .. that would of been a pissa to watch.


Stay away from this "film." I am unable to give a thorough, comprehensive review because I could not get beyond the first 22 minutes. It was really that bad. The first 22 minutes consisted of David walking around NYC gazing off into space interspersed with scenes of a bunch of people chanting at a Satanic cult. The special effects were awful and clearly low budget. The acting was amateurish. You can't fault the actors completely, because they clearly had little to work with in the way of dialogue, lighting, or quality recording equipment. If I were them, I would keep this part of their career a secret. I would not put my worst enemies through this.


Son of Sam (2008) * 1/2 (out of 4) German director Ulli Lommel is back once again with yet another true life serial killer flick. This time out we travel to New York in 1977 when David Berkowitz (Yogi Joski) would have the entire city in terror and become known as the Son of Sam. As of me writing this Lommel had done thirteen of these films and this here is the tenth one that I've seen. Lommel has also gone outside the serial killer mode in the past few years with ZOMBIE NATION and THE TOMB but no matter which film you look out it's going to be pretty bad, which is a shame since this is the same guy who delivered the cult classic THE BOOGEY MAN. This film here is actually one of Lommel's best in years and certainly ranks higher than many films in this series but there are still way too many problems for the film to work. On a technical level the movie is a step up as it appear Lommel actually took his time to film it. Previous films were full of errors but at least those aren't here. The performances are all stale to say the least but Joski isn't too bad. The low-budget nature of the film is all over the place with the lack of any real special effects and some of the silly camera shots. If you've never seen any of these serial killer films before then you're probably going to be thinking this is an extremely poor movie. If you've seen previous ones and walk into this expecting something horrid, you might surprise yourself with a bad movie but one that's a step up from the others. The real nail in the coffin comes during all the scenes dealing with the devil worshipping and possession. These scenes are just repeated throughout the movie and they become quite tiresome after a while. Had the director stayed more focuses on the killer and his attorney things might have been even better.


My cousins decided to see this on pay per view, and we definitely wished that we could refund it. After seeing the whole movie, we felt that we could have made a better movie with nothing but a camcorder (which is probably what these people used as well). The filming style is crappy, as is the acting and the effects. The Satanic worship sequences are anything but scary and are more hilarious than anything else. The main actor should probably stay away from acting as should the rest of the actors in this film. At times, they used the same actors from an older scene in a different scene. Stay as far away from this trash if you value your time.
