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Way Down South

Way Down South (1939)

July. 21,1939
| Crime Music

In the pre-Civil War South, a plantation owner dies and leaves all his possessions, including his slaves, to his young son. While the deceased treated his slaves decently, his corrupt executor abuses them unmercifully, beating them without provocation, and he is planning to sell off the father'e estate--including the slaves--at the earliest opportunity so he and his mistress can steal the money and move to France. The young boy doesn't want to sell his father's estate or break up an of the slave families, and he has to find someone to help him thwart the crooked executor's plans.


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"Way Down South" is based on a story by Langston Hughes and the screenplay was written by Clarence Muse--who also was a major character in the film. "Way Down South" is bound to play a lot differently today than when it debuted in 1939. The notion of happy and well-fed slaves is far from politically correct and I am sure many will blanch at this antiquated view of the Old South. While I am sure some slave owners were more benign in how their treated blacks, they still were slaves!! Oddly, Hughes and Muse were black men and, in an odd way, the film was progressive for its time as it promoted fair treatment of blacks...but they still were slaves!! The film stars one of the more unusual stars in Hollywood history, Bobby Breen. Breen was a child star who only appeared in nine films--though they were starring roles. His AMAZING voice cannot be described--you just need to see and hear him for yourself. The films he made were mostly pleasant but forgettable pictures--though it's easy to like the boy in the films as he always seemed incredibly nice.When the film begins, Bobby is very happy and the family's slaves on the plantation are equally happy. In fact, Bobby's best friend is one of the slaves (Stymie Beard of the Our Gang films)! But, when Bobby's father dies unexpectedly, his father's executor comes in and dramatically changes the place--selling slaves and beating them soundly. But Bobby can't stand to see his friends treated that way. Plus, what he doesn't know is that the executor actually is planning on taking EVERYTHING for himself! What's to happen of Bobby and the happy slaves?! This is an odd film in that it IS entertaining but it is a bit uncomfortable as well due to the odd subject matter. Well made but weird...that's for sure!


This small, unpretentious, but very wonderful film from the combined pens of Langston Hughes and actor Clarence Muse is one of the very few films that deals with slavery and from the point of view of the slave. Remarkable also that this came out in the same year as Gone With The Wind which dealt with the lost Confederacy which founded on the notion of keeping slavery alive in North America.Muse and Hughes also borrowed a great deal from Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn in developing the relationship of the young master Bobby Breen and house servant Muse. Breen while still a minor child inherits father Ralph Morgan's plantation and unfortunately an executor in the person of Edwin Maxwell. Maxwell wants to basically loot the estate, in the meantime he hires a very cruel overseer in Charles Middleton. When Muse does voice some mild objection to new policies instituted, Maxwell says he'll sell him. Breen and Muse make an escape worthy of Huck Finn and Jim and with Muse in drag and a veil they check into a posh New Orleans hotel operated by Alan Mowbray who is a Creole character out of Charles Dickens. Eventually they learn that Maxwell just wants to sell all the slaves and take the profits and run. Of course the slaves who have families don't have any say in the matter. In fact some whippings are dished out by Middleton though we never actually see one.The Hall Johnson Choir play the plantation slaves and they have several numbers singing Negro spirituals both happy and sad depending on the mood of the film. Breen also sings some songs like Oh Dem Golden Slippers and Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child with the Choir. Also at Mowbray's dinner table Breen sings Stephen Foster's Some Folks Do which was my favorite musical number.This film should be seen and revived as a great treatise on the slave experience. There is some stereotyping, but it's done in the context of the condition and servitude of the slaves and there is never any demeaning of anyone in this film. And when you've Langston Hughes and Clarence Muse taking some inspiration from such authors and Twain and Dickens you know this film is something special. A lot of people in this cast from Bobby Breen on down got career roles here. Way Down South should be bought or rented at Amazon, it's a wonderful and moving viewing experience.


The modern idea that the antebellum South was made up of Simon Legrees and mistreated slaves is balanced by this story of a plantation owner and his son whose loving and familial relations with the servants led the servants to love their work and their master. This was dramatised for the movie, but is not unlike many of the working relationships that existed at the time. One sees a love between men and women of different races that is not very evident today.This movie is a rare gem of nostalgia, presenting a story that is uncomfortable for many today who want the story to be that blacks and whites have always hated each other. That has not always been so, and I pray that this kind of loving respect (not slavery) would return to our land; that men and women of every race and station would show respect one to another and not succumb to the modern idea that they must resent who they are and feel like victims. The cane harvest party hosted by the plantation owner and enjoyed by the owner and workers was quite common in the South. Good movie. Great singing!


I liked everything about this forgotten, unpretentious, good-natured, well-made film ahead of its time regarding "the race problem". It delivers far more solid good time than many a famous films. It's a thrill to see nothing but unknown actors, all of them good. Bobby Breen is also an exceedingly confident and accomplished singer.
