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Suspense. (1913)

July. 06,1913
| Drama Horror Thriller

An isolated house is too remote for a lone servant, who leaves a note, quietly exits the back door, and puts the key under the mat. Left alone in the house is a mother and her infant. A tramp has watched the servant leave and begins to skulk. When the lady of the house sees him outside as he discovers the key, she's terrified and desperately phones her husband, who's at work in town. He jumps into a car that's idling in front of his office and races toward home, the car's owner, and police, in hot pursuit.


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The title tells it all. A woman and her child are alone at the house because the hired help decides to take off. Her husband is at work. She realizes there is a man outside, a hobo. He gets into the house after she has called her husband. Then we have the classic "Will he get there" plot. He steals a car and leaves he driver, who immediately gets the police involved. This was directed by a woman and for a short film is edited very well and tells a convincing story.

Horst in Translation ([email protected])

"Suspense" is an American 10-minute short film from 1913, so this one is also easily over a century old and most people talking about it today do so because a female writer, director and lead actress weren't too common back then. Lois Weber is all that, but the real credit she deserves is not for her gender, but for this being a movie that was very good at times. It's a bit of a pity she is forgotten today pretty much despite how prolific she was. There are some really well-done camera shots in here, the keyhole early on and then the camera looking down repeatedly at the bad guy. The tramp in here is not at all the Chaplin equivalent whose only danger stems from his clumsiness, but a gruff knife-swinging badass. Weber included some character stereotypes that are very common today even: the violent criminal, the helpless victim, the savior (standing out from the police force) and the unsuspecting minor character that leaves the film early on right here. All in all, this was a good watch that had the exact runtime for being focused, yet never too long for its own good. I don't need to think twice whether or not give this one a thumbs-up. The answer is yes. Go check it out.


As the title may give away this film is a very early example of the suspense thriller. In it a woman is terrorised by a malevolent tramp. He stalks her while she is trapped helplessly in her house with her child. Her husband rushes to the rescue with the police in hot pursuit of him for stealing a car to race home.It's a tight and well constructed film. It has very well paced editing that alternates from the scene in the house and the high speed car chase. It's shot with some skill too, with some inventive shots. There is a dynamic action shot taken from a moving car, including some stylish shots of the pursuers in the rear view mirror. Given the primitive equipment in those days this is pretty impressive. It also makes great use of the triptych split-screen effect which allows us to see three separate scenes simultaneously, conveying a lot of information simultaneously. This is one of the first examples of this technique. The feel of the film is a good combination of fast action and a brooding menace.The main creative force behind all of this is Lois Weber, who also starred as the woman in distress. There are hardly any women film directors nowadays - which seems pretty outrageously sexist – Lois Weber was one of the very first though, so can be considered an important pioneer. Although, her gender aside, this remains a good film for its time.


This silent drama short was directed by Phillips Smalley and his wife Lois Weber who also appears. She plays a woman with a baby left alone in the house after her maid leaves a notice of her quitting. A wandering tramp finds the key under the outside mat left over by the maid. When the mother realizes her situation she calls her husband at work who rushes in a stolen car with police and car's owner in pursuit...While melodramatic, this was quite an exciting thriller for the early days of cinema that still provides some moments today. And how fascinating to see one of the earliest uses of the split-screen in seeing various actions happening simultaneously which in this instance is in three ways in what was called the triptych. So on that note, I highly recommend Suspense.
