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My Sweet Satan

My Sweet Satan (1994)

January. 01,1994
| Horror Crime

A group of directionless, bored, drug-using teenagers get involved in a cult, resulting in a murder.


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Apparently based on a real life murder case, low-budget short My Sweet Satan stars Jim Van Bebber (director of cult low budget classics Deadbeat at Dawn and The Manson Family) as Ricky, a Satan worshipping, drug dealing low-life with really stupid hair who kills one of his reprobate pals for stealing his drug money (and possibly for daring to have an even sillier haircut than himself).It's hard to like a film that is packed so full of thoroughly unlikeable characters sporting, but hey, it's under twenty minutes long, and is worth seeing if only for the painful looking nipple-piercing scene (which is done for real) and the truly repugnant murder in which the victim is stabbed repeatedly by Ricky before he and a friend stomp the poor sap's head into an unrecognisable smushy mess of blood, bone, brains, and eyeballs.


I think this movie is awesome. It is pretty funny how they try so hard to keep the name of Satan respected when them themselves are doing disrespectful acts. I thought it had a very creative sick and twisted end to this film. But those kids have taken one to many drugs if they think that is what Satan really wants them to do. Free doses!!!!


i just saw a bootleg copy of my sweet satan, and i have a really hard time believing that this wasn't meant to be funny. i am also a maker of low quality films and finishing a shot when someone popped this in. it was hilarious! the drug use, the "satanism", the portrayal of teenage wasteland, we couldn't stop laughing! we're people ever really scared of this?on the production side-it was actually well done considering what i hear he had to work with.the acting is bad, but i doubt he was paying anybody, so that is forgiveable.


I would consider myself pretty jaded when it comes to extremely violent/disturbing type films but when I watched MY SWEET SATAN today I was completely blown away. It's a short film (about 20 mins.) and stars underground horror-action director Jim Van Bebber as Ricky Kasslin who is a character based on a (supposedly) true incident. It's nothing more than doped up, heavy metal white trash kids who worship Satan and crucify chickens. Sounds like family entertainment, eh? The "stomp" ending really had me gagging and is quite possibly the most intense, sick, and disturbing scene I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of watching! Oh yeah, and talk about that up-close (real) nipple piercing! I was practically squirming in my chair! I don't think I'll be popping this back into the DVD for quite some time....
