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Holy Ghost

Holy Ghost (2014)

September. 06,2014
| Documentary

Can the Holy Spirit direct a movie? In this fast-paced documentary from the director of the popular films Finger of God, Furious Love, and Father of Lights, Darren Wilson sets out to make a movie that is completely led by the Holy Spirit. No plan, no script, no safety net--just go wherever he feels the Spirit leading him to try and discover the adventure God has for him. Whether it's the riches of Monte Carlo, a heavy metal concert, or the oldest city in the world, the result is a film that not only challenges and excites, but also reveals a God who is far more alive and active than you ever imagined.


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Did you read the description of this thing? Did you read it? Read it now, I'll wait... ...Okay so how was I supposed to make a movie, I'm a disembodied spirit. And editing, don't get me started on editing. How am I supposed to edit? I have no fingers. I HAVE NO FINGERS.And who is this director? I never heard of him. Did you ever hear of him? And cheeky. He claims to know me. He doesn't know me.And talk about raising unrealistic expectations, calling me HOLY Ghost. Don't call me HOLY Ghost. My name is Ghost. Holy Ghost is my slave name.Kind regards, Ghost

Joshua Shaw

Finally, a film that accurately portrays the Holy Spirit. I was blessed to follow the making of this movie through Kickstarter. The vision behind it, is something like (lets actually listen to Holy Spirit and film where He wants us to film. If He doesn't show up, well then there's not going to be a movie.) The film is very well put together. It's visually beautiful, the soundtrack is deep and emotionally pulling. The film is put together in a way that draws you in and builds up to a dramatic climax. I love that the story is unscripted, real, and raw.If your tired of cheese dipped faith based films, check out Holy Ghost. This film raises the bar on so many levels. If your a believer, this will challenge you to step out and believe God for the impossible, if your not a believer, this will blow your mind.


Hugely compelling feature. Thought provoking. This movie explains the concept of the Trinity - The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our Link to the Father as it is a physical/tangible experience that comes upon believers who want the Holy Ghost to fill them. With that presence, the believer is able to channel ALL the power of God - which can be used only for Good and to bless others in unlocking their own hidden potential. The documentary does a good job of globe trotting and showcasing how the Power of God is manifest in anyone who is bold enough to Trust in God and Follow as God directs them (obedience) and, that God's Power is more than mere belief or disbelief (as the case may be). God's power healed Athiest, Agnostic and Non-Believers alike - meaning that God is a Universal God of Love who will always be a Blessing.Showcasing how members of Korn and Artists like Lenny Kravitz have turned to Jesus is extremely encouraging especially who Head and Fieldy of Korn did - praying over people before their concerts to heal and deliver people from their bondage. Whoaa!! Took my breath away. I experienced the Presence of God by Simply watching this powerful piece of work. If there is a sequel, I'd love to see the director have a conversation with Agnostic/Atheist opinion leaders from Government and Entertainment like Bill Maher, Tom Cruise, Jay Z, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey as well as other known Christian advocates like Dave Chappelle, Kat Williams, Bishop Gaspar Anastasi, Bishop TD Jakes, Dinesh D'Souza and Ravi Zaccharias - to name a few. I'd also like them to touch on issues like Homosexuality, Tithing, Female Pastors, etc.A must watch for all christians of all denominations as well as non- christians.


I didn't find this movie terribly entertaining, and it certainly wasn't comfortable to watch much of the time. It involved a lot of confrontation. Of course, the confrontation was motivated by love, but it was confrontation nonetheless, and at times you could see fear/trust dynamics in operation at the beginning of an interaction.The biggest takeaway for me was the courage of the protagonists to answer the call to bring Jesus to a world in deep need of Him, and to do so even when it meant not only inconvenience, but also danger. Thus the theme of risk-taking. Nothing gets accomplished unless we make the decision to take calculated risk. Each of us has a choice to make - our own comfort, or to make a difference in people's lives.I would recommend viewing this movie not as a piece of entertainment, but with a heart open to what changes might need to be made to bring your life into all it can be.
