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Marching to Zion

Marching to Zion (2015)

March. 26,2015
| Documentary

Documentary tracing the history of the Jewish people from the destruction of the temple in AD 70 to the modern-day nation of Israel. Through scriptural and historical evidence, DNA, mathematics, and testimony from rabbis and pastors, it attempts to answer the question, "Who are God's chosen people?".


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"The aim of the counterfeit State of Israel, is to get the United States of America involved in a war in the Middle East"-The Rev. Gerald K. Smith. "The Cross and The Flag" every two weeks from 1969 through 1975.


This movie should be seen by everyone. Do not be influenced by the negative reviews, written by people that wish to hide the truth. This documentary is extremely well researched and proves that the main stream media has an agenda which they push relentlessly. Thank goodness we live in an age where all the truth is available to us, and we no longer have to live being fooled by those in power. Watch this film, I promise you will not regret it.

Jacob Kachelhofer

As a strong proponent of Euro Israel theology, it should be noted by a candid world that I don't even agree with every single premise advanced in this film.However I rate it as I do for a variety of reasons: No one (that I know of) since Ted Pike and his excellent film, "The Other Israel" has done a presentation on the vital subject matter of this film. So to any open-minded person or truth seeker that alone makes it profoundly relevant.The subject matter is broached very thoroughly and with poise and dignity. Another accomplishment to note given its incendiary nature in our hyper politically correct society today.Even if you disagree with a few of their conclusions/alternatives as I do, this film packs a powerful punch and thoroughly eviscerates the modern notion that the inhabitants of Israel today are even Semitic, much less the direct birthright heirs of the land of promise.To say nothing of all the brain sweat one has to exert to process all the information necessary to arrive at a full understanding of the greatest case of identity theft in history, this film lays the case out clearly, concisely and with artistic excellence.The graphical work and cinematography is incredibly well-done and rivals professional documentaries with massive production budgets.In short, this film doesn't just look and sound great on your TV, it has the substance to back it up--proving that at least in some areas of life, beauty is not always *only* skin deep.


Can I please give 0 stars? This is a massively ill-informed at best, deceitful at worst piece of work that ignores a rather large portion of Scripture that specifically refers to the Jewish people returning to Israel in the last days. It also claims that Christians are the real Jews (replacement theology) when in fact there are many, many, many verses in the New Testament that speak of the Jewish people and are referring to those ethnically Jewish. There is not enough room here to go into detail here in only 1000 words or less. Some questions regarding the replacement 'theology' in this film:1. If Christians are now the 'real Jews', then what are those who formerly held that title?  That would leave them without any classification; the first people group without a title in the history of people groups. 2. Why didn't the early church specifically identify as a Jew anyone who believed in Jesus as the church grew larger with more people from the Gentiles?  3.  If replacement theology is true, why did Peter and John call the unbelieving Jews 'Men of Israel' is Acts 3:12 and refer to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as 'our fathers' in vs 13? Why does Romans 3:1-3 refer to Jews who don't believe in Jesus? Wouldn't that make them non-Jews if the premise of this 'documentary' is correct? 4.  If God can make an eternal covenant with Abraham tying his descendants to the land of Israel, and then break that covenant, how can Christians even be sure about our own salvation? 5.  Why isn't the church ever referred to as God's firstborn as He called Israel in Exodus 4:22?  Isn't that the proper title they would take over if the church has usurped the name 'Jew' from the physical descendants of Abraham? I have gone into more detail on the message boards here. What a pack of lies found in 'Marching To Zion'!
