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Finding Joe

Finding Joe (2011)

September. 30,2011
| Documentary

Finding Joe is an exploration of the studies of mythologist Joseph Campbell, and of their continuing influence on our culture. Through interviews with visionaries from a variety of fields—interwoven with enactments of classic tales by a sweet and motley group of kids—the film navigates the stages of what Campbell dubbed "the hero’s journey": the challenges, the fears, the dragons, the battles, and the return home as a changed person.


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Daniel Smith

I saw some poor reviews and thought that I should add my $0.02. This movie is very inspiring and I highly recommended it to everybody. This is definitely a diamond-in-the-rough type of movie. Just get it, watch it, and you will be inspired to follow your bliss.One of the scenes talked about Joseph Campbell advice to his graduating students. He said "Don't do what Daddy says". Because Daddy has one interest in mind for you - your security. And if you bargain away your life for security now, you will NEVER find your bliss.Joseph Campbel quote: "The job of science is to give you an image of the universe - what it's like, what it actually is like. This changes from decade to decade. There's no science that says, "I've found the truth." It's a working hypothesis and the next season we'll have another structure. The problem of mythology is to relate that found truth the the actual living of a life. The myth has to deal with the cosmology of the day and it's no good when it's based on a cosmology that's out of date. That's one of our problems. I don't see any conflict between religion and science. Religion has to accept the science of the day and penetrate it to the mystery. The conflict is between the science of 2000 BC and the science of 2000 AD. This is one of the problems with our tradition, where our inherited mythology, the Judeo-Christian tradition, relates to the near east in the first millennium BC and has nothing to do with life here. Everything has to be explained. A mythological image that has to be explained to the brain is not working. When you move through a culture field that is so alien to your own that the images don't click on a response and a recognition then you're out of sync."


This film was a beautiful and inspiring exploration of the Hero's Journey mythology, first explained by Joseph Campbell.I felt that this film really pulled together elements of storytelling the Hero's Journey cycle that made it appealing and engaging for both myself, and my two children (8 and 12). There is a broad appeal across gender and age. The interviewees in the film come from a broad range of background and life experience, and I think nearly anyone could identify and really feel themselves being spoken to through the words of the different people who share their stories. I think that this is something that explains Joseph Campbell's work in a modern, personal way, I am so glad to have seen it, and feel so excited to share this film with more people in my life.


I hadn't heard of Joseph Campbell prior to seeing "Finding Joe" but after watching the movie, and being inspired, I'm looking more closely at his work. His quotes resonant with me on a spiritual and intellectual level. There are quite a few that stand out like: "The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." "It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." And "Follow your bliss," which is a staple of the documentary. The film's incredible message is perpetuated by these quotes and commentary by a wide variety of professionals and others inspired by Joseph Campbell's teachings. Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Akiva Goldsman, Catherine Hardwicke and Tony Hawk are just a few of the people who offer their insight into the hero's journey.On a technical level, the film is beautiful. The cinematography is breath-taking. Each shot was clearly calculated and executed. For a documentary, the resolution is astounding. So it was aesthetically pleasing to watch "Finding Joe." The running metaphor of a separate narrative was also very clever and well-executed. On a more personal level, I really connected with the film and its message. It's one of those movies that ignites epiphanies, because everyone can relate to the film's concept. All of the speakers in the film act as mentors and the audience members are mentees. The people in the film expand on Joseph Campbell's philosophies and in doing so relay the message that everyone needs to hear: "Follow your bliss." Joseph Campbell was an extraordinary man who continues to inspire people and, with the help of this documentary, will continue to inspire people.


What stood out to me most about this film is the cinematography. I don't usually notice these things, but it really stood out. The shots were well executed, and allowed the message of the documentary to flow smoothly; with visual representations of the message. I had heard about the book The Hero With A Thousand Faces, and nothing but great things. Then, when I came across Finding Joe, and saw it was about the Hero's Journey, I was intrigued -- and pleased with what I found. Not only does it provide in- depth interviews from experts on both spirituality and success in life, but also delves into the workings of mythology, specifically the Hero's Journey, and the most fascinating aspect of this documentary -- how it applies to us. I really enjoyed this documentary and recommend a viewing!
