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Beautiful Losers

Beautiful Losers (2008)

April. 01,2008
| Documentary

This documentary follows the lives and careers of a collective group of do-it-yourself artists and designers who inadvertently affected the art world.


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beautiful losers is a great documentary, amazing, awe inspiring artists and art work. because i am really interested in this field, it's nice to see behind the scene and look at how they work alone and together, constantly being inspired by each other creatively. some of the art work shown in the documentary were brilliant, but the highlight would be the artists themselves. weird, funny, lonely, they made for a really interesting watch and kept me entertained with their little specks of life story. it did drag on a little bit near the middle i supposed but nevertheless i still found it interesting. my advice to some people is just put it on, watch it and don't think too much about how it's pretentious or whatever because then you will miss something really great. it left me feeling inspired and creative, i put my pencil to paper straight after it ended. watch it.


Beautiful Losers is such an inspirational film! After watching the film, it made me want to go out and use my creativity to create something great. The lives of the artists were very interesting, and each of them has had such a huge impact in the art world and pop culture. When I saw the movie, I wanted to watch it because I was interested in the subject matter, but my friend that I watched it with was not at all interested in art and artists, but she had an open mind and trusted my judgment. After the movie, she said that she really enjoyed it, and it was very moving. She even claimed that it was one of her favorite films that she has seen in a while. I think everybody can take something away from this film! It's put together so beautifully, and it's just so inspiring.


I loved it, I hated it. I found the stories fascinating. I loved the art. It was well done. It was great to see all the stories of artists I have admired. I didn't like the language or nudity throughout the whole film. I realize that Aaron Rose was going for the edgy raw feel to the film but I think it would have had that same feeling without all the F- Bombs and nudity. I think this could inspire a whole new generation of artists but I won't be showing this to any young aspiring artists. I like that it sends the message that an artist should just be himself/herself and not worry about what the world feels you should be. It will inspire you to make some art.


I was fortunate to catch _Beautiful Losers_ at its cinematic debut in Tokyo accompanied by an introduction from Aaron Rose and several of the artists featured. The film is an inside look at these fascinating individuals and how their art took in each other's influences and moved from the streets into galleries into commercial agencies and back.It was an inspiring look at how 'creatives' are made. The discussion of just making stuff for your friends, having street art encapsulate the sacrifices and hopes of each attempt was a much more realistic way to think about nurturing artists as opposed to the '____ is a prodigy who (paints/makes movies/etc).' attitude that rules art reviews and the popular press today. These really were just kids who never stopped painting/making movies/etc. and mastered their crafts.As documentaries go, this one had fantastic footage of the artists across their evolution. The tribute to Margaret Kilgallen was especially touching. Unfortunately, it suffers from a somewhat wandering message and it was hard at times to piece together the relationships between the artists--which seemed to be at the core of what made them special. You get a sense that this community had fantastic chemistry that really brought out the best but Rose fails to show us how that really comes together. Some artists seem very close while some like Harmony Korine's seem just random and disconnected.The handling of the commercialization, the artists notions of 'success' and the role of Rose's gallery left me scratching my head. It was all interesting to hear, but I didn't get the point.Overall, this is worth watching for the great footage, chance to feel like you're right there as the artists show their personalities and a view inside how art should work.
