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2016: Obama's America

2016: Obama's America (2012)

July. 13,2012
| Fantasy Documentary

The film examines the question, "If Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?" Across the globe and in America, people in 2008 hungered for a leader who would unite and lift us from economic turmoil and war. True to Americas ideals, they invested their hope in a new kind of president, Barack Obama. What they didn't know is that Obama is a man with a past, and in powerful ways that past defines him--who he is, how he thinks, and where he intends to take America and the world.


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Obama is a dirtbag, which everyone knows. Possibly the worst president ever and now his bogus presidency is being revealed.


Wow...bogus rubbish on Obama... many cons falsely believe big corporate backed Republicans to be the party of choice but it is quite the opposite. GOP is the party of wage gap, wealth gap, slavery, discrimination and corporate corruption. Yes, Democrats have their wimps, but the percentage does not compare to the deliberate conservative lies and taking from the poor to feed the rich eve more. If you enjoy learning the historical truth, and are open to the facts regardless of your political persuasion, you will mock this video by DD'Souza. At least he couldn't travel to other countries to promote his made-up crap because of his criminal record.


I am a Conservative/Libertarian. That's my "bias". But I liked the film. If you are a Democrat, and don't want to "hear a different side" then you won't like it. If you're in the middle somewhere, maybe you will get something from the movie.Very likely, no Democrats go to see these movies, because they think it's 100% lies (which is not accurate).Very likely, the bulk of attendees are Conservatives. This is how the money is made back, if possible.The trick is what Independents think, and whether or not they do their own research on the subjects. Democrats have already put heads in the sand, and Republicans are already on board.


Danesh D'Sousa puts together a multi media lecture based on his book. A lot of the facts are conjecture about people Obama knew growing up, and he pins him down using guilt by association. He knew a communist in Hawaii three years before entering college. Does that make Obama a communist? He knew a radical student activist in Chicogo linked to some terrorist plots. Does that make him a terrorist? He knew Jeremiah Wright, a racist minister, and does that make him one, too? The interviews of important people on the phone was irritating. Just filming them in the room or with some of the flashy visuals would have been better. There were so many real news events with disappointing responses from Obama that could have been shown here. I really don't buy the idea he's acting on an anti-colonial plan inspired by his father he only knew as a small child. Comparing this with Obama's current record was an interesting theme, but still, a better lecture than a movie. I might add that our so called "liberal" democrats like John Kerry that say we should vote for Obama because he killed someone (Bin Laden) made better statements of why I won't vote for him.
