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Vegucated (2011)

January. 09,2011
| Documentary

Vegucated is a guerrilla-style documentary that follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks and learn what it's all about. They have no idea that so much more than steak is at stake and that the planet's fate may fall on their plates. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. Before long, they find themselves risking everything to expose an industry they supported just weeks before. But can their convictions carry them through when times get tough? What about on family vacations fraught with skeptical step-dads, carnivorous cousins, and breakfast buffets? Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, Vegucated showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who are trying their darnedest to change in a culture that seems dead set against it.


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I think they focused more on what that can affect the minds instead of what could be the main reason. We see slaughterhouses, yes, they are brutal. I was a vegan and now I'm a vegetarian. For those who aren't veg, this question might occur: "But what if they weren't brutal?". No direct answer was mentioned. The second thing that was not so good about this documentary was the accessibility of vegan products for all people. For small cities, finding such products is hard or not possible, so that transition to veganism might not be as easy as they say.


My big problem with this "documentary" is that it presents itself as more of an anti-meat propaganda film than a serious scientific documentary. Vegucated took an extremely biased approach to veganism and the meat industry. The filmmaker chose to show us nothing but the most fantastic aspects of the meat-packing industry. The pretentious narrative was also very obnoxious. The three people picked for the "study" from Craigslist were laughably suggestible. The film would have been far more interesting if they had picked some people whose values weren't based on the direction of the wind. It's very frustrating to watch a film that claims to be a documentary and even uses the educational motif when it turns out to be nothing more than pro-vegan anti-meat fear-mongering and brainwashing. People should eat what they chose to without feeling the need to be validated or pressure others to adopt their choices.A mild favoritism towards veganism/vegetarianism would have been completely acceptable but this film didn't even entertain the fact that meat, in moderation, is entirely healthy, viable, and in many cases necessary, in the human diet. I chuckled when they went to the vegan market proudly advertising cigarettes on their marquee. It was also interesting to watch them go from talking about how healthy the vegan diet is and then go straight to saying that double-stuffed Oreos can be part of it. The fact is that there is absolutely nothing natural or necessarily healthy about veggie burgers, tofu, or veganaise. Had this film had taken a more unbiased and scientific approach it would have been credible to those of us who can think for ourselves.


Do you really know what's on your plate? I guess you don't if you are still eating meat and dairy products. Do you know how much suffering has been caused for you to have that steak on your plate, my guess is you'd rather not! Are you aware of the damage to the environment the meat/dairy industries are causing or do you think "it's not my problem!"...Don't get me wrong if you want to eat meat and consume dairy products it is your choice, all I'm saying is be educated about it and watch Vegucated, then your choice will be an informed one rather than a blind one...


I'm so happy that vegans are getting spoilt for choice of movies to show their friends and educate them. Earthlings, Forks Over Knives, and now Vegucated.Earthlings is the kind of movie that you show to the really stubborn person who really has no idea about the reality of the meat/egg/dairy industries. It has educated and inspired many people over the years to go vegetarian or vegans.Forks Over Knives is mainly about the scientific discovery that animal protein is a potent carcinogen and that a plant based diet reduces your chances of getting western diseases such as cancer, diabetes, etc.Vegucated covers both the above AND more! And what's best, it does it with style and comedy. If you can choose ONE film to show a friend, show this one!For a no budget film this is really a great achievement and props to Marisa for taking her time to create this wonderful resource for vegans to educate their friends on this rather complex subject!
