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Fat Girl

Fat Girl (2001)

October. 12,2001
| Drama

Anaïs is twelve and bears the weight of the world on her shoulders. She watches her older sister, Elena, whom she both loves and hates. Elena is fifteen and devilishly beautiful. Neither more futile, nor more stupid than her younger sister, she cannot understand that she is merely an object of desire. And, as such, she can only be taken. Or had. Indeed, this is the subject: a girl's loss of virginity. And, that summer, it opens a door to tragedy.


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To begin with: I love artistic movies. Even slow ones. Subtle ones. So when I say, that this movie was for me painful and boring to watch, it's not at all because I dislike the pace itself. No, this movie was painfully boring because of how DULL it in reality is. I spent my time asking my self what the actual point to this was. The movie lacks any original thought or vision. The romance is dull, boring, poorly presented and over-sexualized. The relationship between the sisters (which is probably supposed to be the main focus of this film) is dull, boring, and forcefully pathological. The characters are incoherent and there is virtually no character development. The movie tries hard to be controversial and provocative, but for me it came out as forced and annoying. The ending just nailed this impression.Not worth seeing. (Who thought that 20 minutes of driving on the highway, with no interesting interactions between the characters at all, would be a good thing to put into a movie? I mean: What the hell?)


French director Catherine Breillat has a reputation for making sexually explicit films. In Fat Girl, the lead, Anais is overweight, twelve years old, and a frustrated virgin. Her older sister, Elena, is beautiful and thin. While at a resort at a beach in France, they discuss their plans for losing their innocence. Elena is waiting for love and Anais just wants to get it over with. They meet a student, Fernando, who is invited to their bedroom. Mom and dad are heavy sleepers and oblivious. After begging all night Elena submits to anal sex, with her sister nearby. The next morning, the threesome go to the beach where Fernando presents Elena with an expensive opal ring. It works like a charm, because that night they have sexual intercourse. Uh oh, big mistake; here comes Fernando's mother, looking for her ring.The girl's mother decides to drive them back home. They stop at a rest area to nap, and a man with bad intentions, armed with an axe shows up. The climax is not what I expected, but it certainly is original and surprising, given that Fat Girl was made by a female director. ,


Truthfully I didn't get much out of Fat Girl. It was a moderately realistic approach to a pretty dysfunctional family, with some serious issues thrown in here and there....actually there are issues thrown all over the place. This movie is unique in a way where you don't focus on anything else besides what's going to happen next. For example, films like Happiness or Bad Boy Bubby, these are two films where the situations presented are so strong and realistic feeling you don't even think about the acting or cinematography etc. For this feeling that Fat Girl gives off, the film should be applauded. But on the other hand it doesn't really teach you anything. Anyone with a grip on today's reality, should understand these situations aren't so uncommon. But the ending is a totally different story. I, like everyone else watching this flick was waiting for something to happen to Anaise, but what did occur was pretty out-there. Im sure they could have handled the situation differently, to get that same exact line Anaise spoke. For one, why not have sister's boyfriend rape her? But, I suppose it's not the situation that is most important, but why she said it in the first place. All her talk about not wanting her first to be someone she didn't love.....she wasn't kidding.


Fat Girl is a very different kind of movie. Anais is the "fat girl" of the movie and she loves to eat. She watches her beautiful sister Elena get involved with and get seduced by a suitor. All Anais wants is to lose her virginity too. When she makes out with an imaginary boyfriend in the swimming pool, it is heart-breaking. The actors are all stunning all around. The ending, like the synopsis said, is shocking and controversial. I think it is fitting because real life is never predicted. All the events and reasonings we are all lead up to are believable because Anais never hides who she is and what she wants. Fat Girl is a movie that was never seen by the masses but lucky it is now available on DVD. I would never want to watch it more than once, but I recommend everybody to see it at least once.
