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Alsino and the Condor

Alsino and the Condor (1982)

May. 01,1983
| Drama War

Alsino, a boy of 10 or 12, lives with his grandmother in a remote area of Nicaragua. He's engulfed in the war between rebels and government troops when a US advisor orders the army to open a staging area by the boy's hamlet. Alsino tries to be a child, climbing trees with a girl, looking through his grandfather's trunk of mementos and trying to fly; he goes to town to sell a saddle, has his first drink and is taken to a brothel. But the war surrounds him. The US advisor takes Alsino on a chopper flight, but he's unimpressed. The soldiers' cruelties awake rebel sympathies in Alsino, and after an army assault backfires, the lad is fully baptized into the conflict.


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this is one of the most beatiful movie than ever seen,about the relation chip betewn latinoamericans and u.s.a.goverments,Dean stokwell was great like a american soldier,director miguel littin is like a poet of pain and hope in the humans beings.


I actually liked this movie....but after reading other comments, I'm wondering what happened to me. Was I hypnotized? Was it because I was reading subtitles? I truly did care about the little boy in this film. And the scenes of war in this Central American country were heartwrenching. Really hit me hard. Am I a fool for propaganda? Was I being played like a violin? I also thought Dean Stockwell was great in his role as the American chopper pilot. I especially loved his drunk scene - uh, maybe because it reminded me of all the fights I used to have with my ex.....the one lighthearted moment in a film filled with heavy sorrows.


Alsin y el Condor was one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. The camera work was horrible, and the lighting made the movie worse. The simbolism and the point of the movie were illustrated well, but it didn't have a chance due to the poor quality of the tecnical aspects of production.The story is about a boy caught in the middle of a civil war. American intervention becomes a complicated issue, and in the end causes the boy to choose a side- the guerilas. In this movie the boy discovers who he is, while the country is also searching for its identity. Overall, this movie was okay. Better lighting may have kept some people from falling asleep.


Its obvious political biases aside, this movie was terribly made and impossible to follow. Scenes were pieced together as if someone had cut up the reel, scattered the tape on the ground, and given the director only five minutes to tape it back together in no particular order. When characters were in doubt for dialogue, which was often, unnecessary profanity was used liberally. The movie didn't make sense, it preached incessantly, and it had the same entertainment value as cutting off your own finger. Alsino can keep his condor, thank you.
