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The Undefeated

The Undefeated (2011)

July. 15,2011
| Documentary

A documentary that chronicles Sarah Palin's pre-political life; her tenure as Governor of Alaska, and her time spent as John McCain's running mate.


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To start with, I thought this website (imdb) was about films, documentaries, and the occasional TV shows and series. I also assumed that the user reviews were of a critical nature of a given piece as it pertains to story, screenplay, acting, cinematography... you know the rest. But this film seems mostly reviewed as a function of the political beliefs of the reviewer. Substance be damned. It's similar to people that hate Woody Allen movies not because of his film work but because he's been accused of child molestation. I like many of his films, but I don't need to like him.I would contrast this film to the film 'The Iron Lady', which got very high ratings. I reviewed it with poor ratings based on the lack of content, not because I like or dislike Margaret Thatcher. Like 'The Undefeated', I wanted to know more about Thatcher but, in this case, walked away with no clue as to her career in office, only an image of a pitiful old lady who couldn't possibly have lead Great Britain as she did. Thus, a negative rating based on a very poor story/screenplay.I watched 'The Undefeated' to try to learn a bit more about someone who seems to always be slammed by the press but without much substance as to why. In this film, I got a lot of information which greatly helped me to understand where she came from, what she did, and how she has become so hated by the media. I won't elaborate on the media hate in that that's a political statement and as I've implied, this has no place in a review of a film based on the merits of production.On a negative note, I didn't care for the choppy edits or the UTube-like fragments. I find that style distracting. I believe this is the director and editor(s) fault. What's funny though, is I've seen this type of cinema work before but the films weren't politically charged. The positive reviews liked this style and considered it as 'edgy' and 'street real'. At least one negative review of 'The Undefeated' judged the style as amateur. Go figure. I just don't like it in any case and judged accordingly.Bottom line, if you want a pretty in depth documentary of Sarah Palin, watch this film. If you don't like what you've been told about her, why waste your time watching it?

Juli Cornwall

I have watched this documentary 2 times and bought the DVD to share with others. I feel it is a must watch for everyone who wants to know the truth about who she really is and what she is all about. Someone to be respected and admired for the things she and her team were able to accomplish for the good of the People of Wasila as the Mayor building necessary infrastructure to Governor taking on the Big Oil Companys and those in her own party who were corrupt. Then on to her 2008 VP tap were most of US were introduced to her. Stephen Bannon who put up his own money did an excellent job of telling a story that needed to be told to set the record straight about Sarah Palin. He was tired of the meme that she is stupid. He brings the players that were actually there at the time and uses old news clips of events the local media had on file. He did not interview her but used her own words to narrate the documentary by purchasing the Audio of the Best selling Going Rouge allowing for her to tell her own story. There are many others also that are prominent talk radio hosts telling about how they came to know her and what has happened to our country to attack someone who has never done anything but have different ideas. Now that Andrew Britebart has passed his words have much more meaning than the first time I watched it. Great Movie I wish there were more courageous producers that are willing to tell the truth at all cost.


If Sarah Palin is such a joke, then why are so many people so afraid that they have to flood this page with negative reviews? What are you afraid of? I guess people that don't think for themselves will do anything to cling to their beliefs, especially when they know those beliefs are severely flawed. When people like Sarah Palin come along and expose those flaws, the brainwashed masses will resort to anything so they can continue living in a fantasy world. At this point those against Sarah Palin may be saying that they do think for themselves. However, I'll pose to you what I pose to every blank minded ideologue that I meet on the street. You're not thinking for yourself, you're letting media created public opinion think for you. If not, how can you explain the vitriol you feel and publicly display for Sarah Palin? What did this woman do to create your hatred for her? I can guarantee that the answers you present to this question are based on the fictional bias created by the media (like she wants to abolish a woman's right to choose - she never said that, or she said she can see Russia from her house - she never said that either). It stands to reason that if you are basing your opinion on falsehoods then your option is therefore false and based on someone else setting a bias in your mind (thinking for you). If this wasn't the case then you wouldn't be here. Instead you would be at the Bill Maher page where you can blog with like minded sheeple and let the people that appreciate this type of documentary discuss it based on its merits rather than your selective ignorance.


Good rebuttal to the character assassination by the media at large. I found the documentary interesting, and it filled in some info gaps. Obviously, it's a "fluff piece," but I think she deserved it, given the unabashed and undeserved criticism she has had to endure.It's ironic that she championed "the little people" but has been hammered by the libs and press. It's likely because she's 1) a mom, 2) a rural person, 3) she didn't attend a schmancy college, 4) she is a woman of the Christian faith, and 5) she is a conservative, and as such, all hell was unleashed against her.I recall when I heard her VP acceptance speech that it was electrifying, honest, and fresh. That's why people hate her. Go Sarah!
