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FrackNation (2013)

January. 07,2013
| Documentary

FrackNation is a feature documentary that aims to address what the filmmakers say is misinformation about the process of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking.


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Every American should watch this film with the goal of seeking the truth. I believe the film Fracknation exposes the repeated lies told by climate and environmental alarmists. Emotionalism by the alarmists is chosen as a premise in evaluating their claims, not reason in search of facts. I think it is horrible the people of Pennsylvania have suffered at the hands of those who spread untruths about "dangers" of Fracking.


Phelim McAleer in "FrackNation" provides a well researched, thorough, entertaining, and scientific rebuttal to the emotional pleas provided in Josh Fox's "GasLand." Opponents of hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) would have us believe that the human push-and-pull of fueling civilization versus conserving the biosphere is a left-versus-right or climate change supporter versus denier phenomenon; in fact it is a conflict of science versus emotion. This is the genius of "GasLand": we want to get emotionally angry over a cause. "FrackNation," however, tosses some ice onto those smoldering embers with cold facts.Nothing is more damaging to the platform of "GasLand" supporters than Fox's multiple refusals to answer pointed questions from McAleer:McAleer: "Isn't it true that decades before fracking started, that there was methane in the water there?" (regarding the flammable tap water) Fox: "Can you identify yourself?" McAleer: "My name is Philem McAleer." Fox: "Okay, where are you from?" McAleer: "I'm a journalist."Fox: "Journalist from where?" McAleer: "From Ireland." Fox: "From Ireland?" McAleer: "Yes. Isn't it true..." Fox: "You're concerned about the fracking going on in Ireland?" McAleer: "No, I'm concerned about the accuracy of the documentary."Fox: "You're a journalist for what paper?"On the surface, a cause's champion refusing to answer the opposition is unsettling but it goes further; Fox's thinly veiled attempts to impugn the credentials of McAleer--even his nationality--and his absolute refusal to respond to challenges to "GasLand's" documentary authenticity leave the watcher mentally ticking off points in McAleer's column. But there's more.At another point, Fox repeatedly refuses to engage MacAleer in conversation at an event held at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles. Eventually McAleer and his director are ejected from the event... scientific dialog indeed. Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, McAleer obtains video from the US Government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the largest environmental regulatory body in the world. In this video, the Sautner family--the champions of "GasLand"--were presented with the results of an EPA sampling of their well water, demonstrating that the well water was not contaminated. The Sautners react with emotion: the wife storms out, the husband demanding the results are false, and the EPA representative stating "we found no contaminants."Scientific and methodical thinking people of the entire political spectrum are forced by this film to consider the evidence of the hydraulic fracturing issue and see the opponents reacting with emotional pleas and the supporters providing clear and well documented science. --oversoul


I've watched hundreds of documentaries and this has to be the most blatant example of an attack-docu. Let's be honest about the topic, 99.9999% of people don't know anything about this but it seems that a lot of people in this movie and it's counterpart are able to speak on the topic in great depth. Bringing Russia into this documentary as a main topic is pretty weak in general, almost desperate!This movie is so bad it's worth watching. I don't give a frack about either side of the debate but this movie makes me want to be anti- fracking. Frack this piece of fracking ****.


Do you think environmentalists are peaceful, earth-loving guys trying to create a better place to live? Well, you're dead-wrong, and this guy proves it! To anyone who says he was paid off by oil companies, he wasn't, that's silly and he would have been caught by now if this were a true fact. These reviews are coming from the environmentalists who are too scared to face the truth. And like this guy has had, gun threats, questioning environmentalists, I've had it happen, too. I litter on purpose and spray chemicals on my lawn and toss dead batteries in the woods. When an environmentalist catches me, do they work out a peaceful compromise? No, they threaten, bring up that they're planning supposed murder and then lecture as if they're geniuses! Why is this? Because they're scared to admit that there's a possibility they could be wrong. And I'm not the only one out there who loves pollution and hates the environment, there are other people like me. This guy isn't an earth-hater like I am, he just wanted the truth and questioned a boatload of know-it-alls who turn out to maybe not know what they think they know. It was unbiased and factual and I'm pretty disgusted to see so many reviewers who are so narrow-minded to not even give this great documentary a chance. Watch it, you might learn something.
