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The Ugly

The Ugly (1997)

May. 01,1998
| Horror Thriller

A female psychologist wants to understand the minds of a confessed serial killer who spent the last five years in a mental hospital because of his state.


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I like the fact that the New Zealand government is more than willing to fund more commercial movies, unlike a certain North American country that begins with the letter "C". Although this movie attempts to put several artistic touches in it, at its heart it's a commercial movie. I was never bored by this movie, and it does indeed have some moments of suspense and/or horror, as well as some thoughtful human touches, but overall it's only middle of the road for its genre (the serial killer genre.) The production values are somewhat below average, with a dark look to most scenes as well as unconvincing sets and props. The story jumps around too much, and the director pulls the rug from under us too many times (mainly with "Oh, it's just a dream" sequences.) And why the heck is the blood in this movie BLACK? Again, this isn't a BAD movie, but if you're in the mood for a low budget movie about a serial killer, I suggest you instead watch "Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer" or "Confessions Of A Serial Killer".


This movie was the single worst horror/thriller movie I have ever seen. The acting was terrible, the story is not at all believable, and the special effects are pathetic. The movie uses black instead of red for blood in all but one scene which comes off as cheap and fake rather than creepy. Also one of the rooms in the movie is supposed to have metal doors and you can clearly see that the door is actually wood that has been spray painted silver. There is little attention to how the main character gets away with the things he is doing and why he hasn't already seen punishment. I don't mind a thriller movie that doesn't explain these things if they at least present a story that gets your imagination and lets you know that they aren't trying to follow any sort of reason or rationale. This film moves at a very slow pace with little attempt to build upon itself. The characters leave nothing for you to hold on to and build interest in the film and the settings are forced and don't seem real at all. If you are looking to be pulled into a film and actually care about the outcome of the characters then this is not the movie for you. In fact skip this one all together if you can.


A very good horror/thriller. I personally loved this movie and would suggest it to anyone who likes to see a movie that is just different. If you like the kind of movie that will kinda make you think about the movie a while after you see and will make you want to see again. Go and see it.


"The Ugly" is inventively directed, challengingly structured (it doesn't follow any straight chronological line; it continuously mixes the present with the recent past, and then the recent past with the dim past), disturbing and has at least one incredibly suspenseful scene (the one where the killer is hiding in the bathroom). But it is also more pretentious than it has to be, with some serious slip-ups along the way (it has at least five "false scares" too many, and even a "double false scare"), and offers no new insights into the mind of a serial killer (abusive mother, bullies in the school, he hears voices, etc.). Scott Reynolds is undoubtedly a talented director and I would be interested in seeing more from him, but hopefully in his other films he has put the direction more in the service of the story. (**1/2)
