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Koch Brothers Exposed

Koch Brothers Exposed (2012)

March. 07,2012
| Documentary

Koch Brothers Exposed is a hard-hitting investigation of the 1% at its very worst. This full-length documentary film on Charles and David Koch—two of the world’s richest and most powerful men—is the latest from acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (Wal-Mart: the High Cost of Low Price, Outfoxed, Rethink Afghanistan). The billionaire brothers bankroll a vast network of organizations that work to undermine the interests of the 99% on issues ranging from Social Security to the environment to civil rights. This film uncovers the Kochs’ corruption—and points the way to how Americans can reclaim their democracy.


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I want my two minutes back. Opinions is all I heard...negative opinions at that. I was hoping for a documentary laying out the "case" of the Koch Brothers and "exposing" them if you will...but all I got was an immediate judgment and label of the Koch Brothers being evil. Zero value in a film that starts with its own conclusion/opinion before FACTS are provided.


i've seen the same sort of thing come out of the right. makes many claims and assumptions; provides no proof of anything. mindless dribble that will only pour fuel on the fire. tailored toward the unthinking masses yet highly unlikely to spur them to action. jumps around from one thing to the next. no continuity.i wouldn't say that it flat out tells lies, but it doesn't make it easy for a thinking person to believe any of it, despite how much they might want to believe it. we the people must be better than this if we are truly to overcome the powerful influences of money. then again, sometimes it is easier to just start bashing and throwing things.the irony is that the same people who would be offended/angered by this film would probably eat up the same type of garbage which supports their own way of thinking. in either case, nobody is really looking to find out the truth and nobody cares about doing what is right, except in their own eyes....and that is precisely why humanity is doomed.


This excuse for a documentary is a perfect example of how people who know nothing, living in a victim mentality, can be easily manipulated and made to believe the most ridiculous things. In order to rate this movie above a 1, you would have to have a similar IQ. It's nothing but half truths, logical fallacies, red herrings, and total fabrications. Nevermind that the "producers" provide zero evidence to support their claims. A perfect example of what stupid people watch to get their information, and clear evidence of the decline of intelligence and critical thinking in the West. Knowing this movie is rated a 6.6 makes me embarrassed for our society.

Mike Kennerly

If you tried to string together 60 minutes of political attack ads against the Kochs you'd end up with something similar to this travesty of a documentary. Rather than examine these complex and difficult issues carefully, the film opts to instead throw up flashing graphics, pictures of the Kochs' homes, and angry protesters. This is no reasoned discussion of the issues our nation faces but a blatant and unabashed hatchet job. If you are biased towards this you'll fist pump but inside you will hate yourself for not actually looking at the issue like an adult. If you tend to disagree with the film as I do you will spend most if the following day restocking your booze supply after having angrily consumed it all attempting to finish the thing. It contributes literally nothing to the conversation and instead perpetuates the pettiness of the political process. Don't waste your time, you can't get it back.
