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Planet of Snail

Planet of Snail (2011)

March. 20,2011
| Drama Documentary

Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.


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PLANET OF SNAIL (dir. Yi Seung-jun) A touching and inspiring film about a special needs couple. Young-Chan has been deaf and blind since early childhood and is married to Soon-Ho who suffers from severe spinal damage and is just over three feet tall. The film documents their daily struggles to live, work, and entertain in their small apartment in Seoul, South Korea. The film is deliberately slow-moving (hence the title), yet undeniably emotionally potent. Even though it's fairly obvious that this couple has faced some very disturbing issues, the film chooses only to document the most basic and simple quotidian details of their lives, and this only makes them more resonant. Their collaboration to master the intricacies involved in replacing a bedroom fluorescent light fixture borders on the triumphant! Like nothing else. MUST SEE

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Can you imagine live without one of your sense? Lost sight? Lost hearing?Meet Young-Chan. He is a man who can't see nor hear. For him world is a touch. He can only know things around him by touch. Luckily by his touch, he can read. Reading book is the only one activity he can do daily. Meet his wife, Soon-ho. She has abnormality on her backbone, which made her bone protrude, and her height is under average. So what? Love unite them. . How simple activity could be a struggle for both of them. One day they want to changed the lamp. This was need a great effort. As Soon-ho can see, but short. Yong-Chan is tall, but can not see. Soon-ho told Yong-Chan how the lamp's shaped. Based on her explanation, Yong- Chan touched the lamp entirely and estimated how it was, then take the new lamp to replaced it. By only with Song-Chan's guidance, touch, and intuition, he was successfully install the lamp! This scene was touching one, how they still managed to be independent on their 'blessed'. How they communicate? Song-Chan would touch Young-Chan's hands in a 'special movement' while she talk a bit. And it worked. Up to know, i am still wondering, what technique did they use? They didn't loss laugh also. Yong-Chan asked by Korean actress to teach her about how to be the a blind and deaf person. They practiced, Yong-Chan coached the actress and comment : "you didn't seem as a blind-deaf person at all!" For Young-Chan, worlds has no light at all. He couldn't distinguished day and light. As Yong-Chan said : in my world, i have no light. I don't know what light is it like. But I believe, light always presence day and night, and it must be very beautiful. Yong-Chan also like to hold a tree. To feel it fully. Sea water also something strange to Young-Chan. He described as a cold water like in a fridge. Even he's afraid to touch it. But Young-Chan can manage to recognize people by his touch. My first impression after wards was : i really have no idea if i have to live like Young-Chan, and how if I were become Song-Chan. Will I be as happy as them? I started to doubt about the love definition's which I have before. Because love is.....?


No sight, no sound. I sometimes wonder. What if I cannot see nor hear anything? What would I feel? How would I live?The movie 'Planet of Snail' is about lives of deaf blind people. Young- Chan, a deaf blind, refers that he comes from a planet of snail. This could be special, but not different from a planet Earth. When he spends his days on several things, it takes a bit longer than others, but no different. He changes a bulb, takes a class in the university, goes on a picnic, and loves somebody... If one feels bored for watching his unexpectedly normal days, then the film would succeed to transfer to the audience what it wants to say, I think. There is no difference between lives of butterfly and snail, even though snail is slow and it should depend on its tactual sense.Most of all, however, a huge support for the snail to live on Earth is Young-Chan's wife, Soon-Ho. When Young-Chan was hugging the tree, audiences would feel the atmosphere without sound. On the scene I closed my eyes. I wanted to know what he is feeling. And faint sounds were coming at the very moment. It was Soon-Ho. Right after that, Soon-Ho touched Young-Chan's fingers and all sounds in the world slowly started to be heard. Soon-Ho is ears and eyes for her husband, and she is the one who links him to Earth. They care, love, look after each other and it is the truth. When Young-Chan a little bit angrily said that he married Soon-Ho not because he wanted her helps, but because he loves her, he was very adorable. I could feel that he really loves his wife.The movie 'Planet of Snail' is also pretty special, because it is made as a barrier-free film. Barrier-free films are made for blind and deaf people to help them watch the movies with subtitles and audio- commentaries. I think it is very inspiring. Planet of Snail is truly worth to watch. Some people say it is boring, and even myself felt that for some moments. However, that is the charm of it and I am sure you will see.


An intensely moving, humbling, but most of all, inspiring experience. At the end I couldn't believe that an hour and a half had passed. I was totally entranced by this sensitive portrayal of these fascinating people's lives. I came to this film with very little knowledge about how a deaf-blind person might be able to communicate, so it was an education. On the one hand (or rather two) there was the extraordinary tactile language of playing each others hands like pianos. On the other, the wonderful state of the art technology which allows books to be read on a braille equivalent of the Kindle. The film-makers manged, in my opinion, to keep a delicate balance between the practical and the emotional. Never sentimental or maudlin, the documenting of the achievement of what most of us take for granted, through loving cooperation, was deeply touching. They have a lot to teach us about appreciation, patience and positivity.
