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The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009)

April. 01,2009
| Documentary

Produced by Johnny Knoxville and Jeff Tremaine for MTV and Dickhouse Productions, The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia is a documentary about the renowned West Virginia outlaw Jesco White and his eccentric backwoods family. In addition to getting in trouble with the law, the Whites, who live deep within Appalachia, uphold a time-honored dancing style, even as they contend with poverty, drugs and other issues. Alternately humorous and sad, the movie is an unflinching look at life on the criminal margins of rural mountain culture.


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I tuned into this in the middle and was captured so I had TiVo record the entire show. It looked a true reality doc. It was sad, funny, but all too real. Having been a photographer and traveled to many states I know that there are Whites in every city. You just need to turn over the right rocks.I enjoyed the doc but it stuns me how people like that continue to hold on to their kids. If you think we have become an entitlement country just watch the doc. It angers me that my taxes go to support people like the Whites who laugh in our faces. We should have more such docs and they should be shown to senate and congress. In the meantime, taxpayers should watch the documentary and let their voices be known.


Do you want to see a documentary about a dysfunctional hillbilly family tree? This might be right up your alley. Generation after generation of low-life self righteous law breaking misfits trying to convince everyone they come in contact with that every facet of their life is someone else's fault. We are treated to the day by day existence of lazy, do-nothing, alcoholic druggies as they abuse themselves and everyone they come in contact with. Not a member of this family is in the least bit likable, and no one is spared as they seem to literally look for trouble day and night. Unlike a good movie, there is no satisfaction at watching the deserving parties get his or her just rewards, They just keep coming at you like a plague, generation after generation of the scum of the earth teaching each new brood how to get by without ever working for anything and living off of others. Just reminds us all of the human element that we could all do without and would certainly not miss. Wow, how unfortunate for the rest of us that people like this really exist. I am a Christian and always will be but this family is convincing evident for the theory of evolution.


People who scam the government, so they can avoid work, snort drugs, drink Budweiser, smoke Marlboro's, crack, and pot. They have nicer cars then most working class people, and the Child protection services let them continue to breed like the rats they are, and create more damaged people that we all support.We get to see such treats as attempted murder, grotesque nudity, and children drinking six Pepsi's, sneaking their parents cigarettes and repeatedly flipping off the camera, looking for praise. Supposedly the featured mountain dancing is a disappearing art form, it can go the way of the Hatfield's and McCoy's. And the director thinks those of us that actually work to support our families would enjoy watching the haunting dysfunction our tax dollars support.Way to glorify scum, film makers.


A Dickhouse Production, the same folks who brought us Jackass and Wildboyz. That should be a big clue regarding the content of this production.I caught it somewhere near the beginning or rather it caught me and I couldn't get loose from it. It is that fascinating to be sure. The entire White family is very entertaining and educational. Their lives are an inspiration to educate oneself and rise up from the hellhole of ignorance. Of course it's very easy to judge these people for their way of life, but I believe there is a deeper message here and that is Freedom, we are free to live as we please in this country. If we want to remain ignorant and lazy we can, if we want to succeed that is also attainable.I know people like this, some of us have relatives like these people. However, they are not representative of the entire Appalachian population. Every town and county in the USA has a family just like the Whites. If you do have a chance to see this movie, I would suggest leaving your high horse in the barn and keeping an open mind, you may be enlightened somewhat. I would put it in a collection along side Grey Gardens.
