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The Debt

The Debt (2007)

December. 12,2007
| Drama Thriller

The year is 1964. Rachel Brener is one of 3 young Mossad agents teem who caught "THE SURGEON OF BIRKENAU" - a Nazi monster who was never brought to trial in Israel. The official reason was that he was shot to death while trying to escape from Israeli captivity in a safe house somewhere in Europe. 30 years after, the well communicated death story of the monster could be questionable, a small article appears in a local unimportant paper in a small town in Ukraine. Surprisingly the Surgeon is ALIVE and is willing to admit his crimes against the human race and especially the Jews. The 3 older x Mossad agents who are in their late 60th became aware to this unfortunate threatening knowledge. The fact was that the "Surgeon" managed to escape from his guards 30 years ago.


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Very good story line and this says something about human nature. The bottom line is do not lie and your conscious can stay healthy or clean. The romance between the three threw me off a little as the female mossad agent was portrayed as loose ie sleeps around which is not what these types of individuals usually do ie their mental makeup is stronger. Yes people fall in love, but typically not under these circumstances. The end was a little hurried and confusing as the doctor was found but more by chance than any under cover work.


People have different tastes; some go on the emotional side, and some on the rational side. I guess I'm in the latter, but this movie was made for the former crowd. The actors playing the roles of Mossad agents spend most of the time expressing their emotions "Hollywood style", instead of acting as cool headed trained agents. The actual details of the plot are often not very convincing. Like: Why is such an important operation is handled by only three agents? And when they catch the Nazi guy, they tie him with some piece of rope on the floor, and make sure they shave him every day? And why only one agent is watching him -- what do the other two do meanwhile? And why does a gynecologist need to poke a woman three times in her private part? And if he lived in a suburb of (West) Berlin (in 1964, which was surrounded by East German territory), why do they need a party at the Israeli embassy (which was in Bonn then)? And why do secret agents get such a public welcome reception upon their return?


This 2007 original version of the film currently in the theaters with an entirely new cast and crew and know as THE DEBT is the version written by Ido Rubenstien and writer/director Assaf Bernstein: their story and screen play were the nidus for the current version. This version HA HOV is in Hebrew and German with English subtitles and because this viewer has not seen the current THE DEBT in the theaters it is difficult to compare the two. That really is not a significant matter as HA HOV stands solidly on its own as a brilliant film. The film opens at a gala party in Israel where Rachel Brenner (Gila Almagor) is being honored again for her role in ending the life of the infamous 'surgeon of Birkenau' who during WW II did heinous experiments on human beings in the camps of Birkinau, including being responsible for the death of Rachel's mother. But news arrives that at all old folks home in the Ukraine that the surgeon is still alive: the three Mossad agents (Rachel - played at the young age by Neta Garty, Zvi - Itay Tiran, and Ehud - Oded Teomi) in 1965, Mossad agents sent to capture the surgeon erroneously allowed him to escape and promising to keep their secret, told the papers that he committed suicide. Rachel, Zvi and Ehud decide they must complete their broken mission and go to the Ukraine, fine the surgeon and kill him. Zvi and Ehud are not up to the task, so it is left to Rachel to finish their mission. The suspenseful hunt and chase is how the mission is accomplished. The manner in which the film is set into motion is a seamless interchange of the years 1944 during the war and the black and white images of the concentration camps, and 1965 when the three young Mossad agents captured the surgeon (and their interaction with him before his escape) and the present when the now 60ish Rachel carries out her duty. It is chilling, rich in character development, and maintains a degree of tension that is almost unbearable at times. But the other aspect of this film that keeps it form being yet another memoir of the mistreatment of the Jews in WW II is the element of humanity in each of the three Mossad agents as they deal with their task and yet interact with the evil and warped surgeon. This is a very strong film, one that deserves an audience at least equal to those who have seen or will see THE DEBT. Grady Harp

Samuel Cohen

Enjoyable Drama that hints to History. In the 60's Nazi's were hunted and Adolph Eichman was brought to Trial and hanged in Israel. Simalrly we see a Group of Young Mossad Agents sent to find the Doctor of Birkenau Aushwitz (Not Treblinka as someone mistakenly wrote) Reminds us of the likes of Josef Mengele. "Rachel Brenner" was one of these Agents in the 1960's who many years later goes again to find Max Reiner. Both Gila Almagor and Neta Garty do the Best parts in this Movie. Neta as the young Rachel and Gila in the present. Another point is how a story is kept secret for so many years. I wondered what other Secret Service stories Mossad or other we do not know about?
